Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
It is all lies until one finds truth for themselves, one man's truth is not another's truth. When you benefit from another's creation you have just given testimony upon which you are made liable. Were you there and have first hand knowledge of whom was the maker of the universe if not how can it be truth?, if not how can you justify criticizing another for their own belief that their is a truth unseen?
Truth must start from a foundation of origins. Truth is universal when based on the foundation that all of creation is born of the Almighty YHVH. We each reach that path in different ways but the foundation is the same; His truth which resides in us. I have offered nothing but an open door to ALL opinions and discussions here.

You seem to be taking a combative stance against my replies to your "success story" posts and now you have found your way here to this "welcome message" in order to attempt to disparage or challenge my motive for welcoming people here to this forum. I think you will find that that type of message will not resonate well with those who make up the core of this site.

As I have already stated; there will be NO silencing of opposition since we are truth above all else. However, if it is revealed that one's motives are in direct conflict with truth seeking one's stay here will be short lived. Not by banishment, but by disinterest alone. We have an enormous collection of genuine truthseekers here who are adept at sniffing out those who will attempt to obfuscate or disparage it.

I do not put you in that category as of yet; your own continuing posts and dialogue will reveal the truth of your intents. I am still hopeful, and willing to believe, that your participation here will prove fruitful.

We shall see.