Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
Show me an example of your own success so that I may know better of what you seek? Is that plane enough direct question for you to understand without debating it?

Let me give you an example if this is unclear to you being that you love their law so much.
Maxim of law; Equality is paramount before the law

I interpret this as what I have been asking you to do, show equality first before I can show you what you are looking for. example please?
As soon as I decide to make a claim of success worthy of placing it into the "success stories" section of this forum, I will provide the documentation, material evidence, supporting law, register of action, court record, judgment, lawful record, and any other pertinent information specific to the claim I make and the method employed which manifested into success.

I would imagine all truthseekers would appreciate that type of full disclosure.

The excuses that "it worked for me but I don't know if it will work for you" or "I can't be sure you will follow my method exactly so why should I bother sharing it" is easily detected as a cop out.

Hopefully David Merrill will upload his entire multipage account of his ordeal dealing with a false charge that took over 5 years to finally end in dismissal. Every stage, event and action was fully documented and disclosed with accompanying explanations, history, and supporting law. The method employed proved successful in the end and we saw the evidence of it through the lawful record of the entire case.

This is what I mean by providing evidence of success: FULL DISCLOSURE whether you deem it necessary or not. It was you who offered to us the "success" which you say you duplicated many times using your same method. Show us all in detail, with supporting documentation and with forthright explanation to those of us who wish to verify the validity of your "Coresource" method. You have obviously thought it well enough to name it, why not fully disclose it?