So my other employees see FreeMan getting his full $800 paycheck with no deductions, no problems, and naturally, get a little inquisitive. He starts to teach us all about lawful money & this website. They want a full paycheck too; can't blame 'em in this economy.

So I call a company meeting. I tell my workers I'm considering cutting loose from the feds but I wish to hear them out. "Does anyone here still want to pay into the federal SS, Medicare, & Income Tax system?"
"NO!" is the resounding answer. Apparently they all have enough "credits" to get the SS/Medicare bennies when they get old, no point paying in more. So that settled it. I started a new LAWFUL MONEY bank account for company use. On Saturday, I dissolved my company with the federal EIN, and on Monday reopened with no federal connection. Of course my customers never knew the difference. But with my workers getting full pay now - whoo doggie - you'd think I was the World's Best Boss.