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Thread: Man makes Dragon Family Claim!

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  1. #10
    Anthony Joseph
    Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
    Thank you for sharing all that.

    Who is behind all that though? .. other men. Men who operate corporations use the strong arm of Federal law whom have lots of guns implementing eminent domain.
    As history dictates fighting it has done no good at all. If you cannot effect the hearts of men you can never hope to accomplish anything. Putting on a act as a peaceful inhabitant but posturing for war does no good either, it is evidence of a double minded man that usually ends him up in a county or state mental health facility.

    What does the Declaration of Independence tell us, it is a story about men who gave it all up for liberty, but some people are trying to make claims of ownership and want the same liberty, seems to be of a oxymoron to me. Although I sense this is what the true heart of a suitor to be, to do just what those men have done and join the club to give it all up for liberty, so the big question is: why does men who claim to be suitors want to make claims of ownership on everything? it would seem to me that the men who signed the declaration of independence had a strong knowledge of usufruct and usufructuary.
    They have eminent domain over there own created surveys. Those surveys are layered upon others and many. Whose survey is paramount over all? It is his who makes claim from within God's Kingdom and in His Name and by His command and Will - "...replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion...".

    I think this word "own" or "ownership" has most wrapped up around the axle a bit. What is ownership but the right to use, the right to enjoy and the right to dispose of a thing? Sounds like dominion to me. Only a living man can make such a claim according to His Law. God is no respector of persons therefore there is no dominion or inheritance for persons. These are only "tools" that living men use to have their deeds and wills carried out by those who voluntarily entered into personas of public office and swore out oaths invoking and praying to Almighty God as witness and The Supreme punishing authority if they fail to fulfill their duties and obligations under that oath. One who swears to God (SO HELP ME GOD) is swearing to do His Will. Part of that involves serving His sons and daughters and protecting and defending their rightful claims of Divine inheritance/dominion.

    What we see mostly being manifest is the other capacity of these oath-sworn public officers in the dual role system - ruling and governing over those who either cannot or will not govern themselves in honor, peace and righteousness in His Name. This "ruling" over men is also His Will when done according to His Word, Law and direction.

    We each have our piece of paradise that we may call our own absent the rule or authority of other men - there is plenty to go around. As long as we claim in His Name and do not prevent another from doing the same, we may make claim to whatever God calls us to make claim to as long as our intents are righteous and according to His Will and Law. Until such time as a proper, lawful and rightful claim is made by a living son or daughter of God, these oath-sworn public officers are the guardians and wards of the inheritance, and administer these estates as such, awaiting the coming forth of the Divine elect to take dominion and receive the inheritance.

    If they fail or refuse to recognize the rightful claims of His sons and daughters, there exists a higher command in this realm of public officers. These personas operate under the Roman Civil Law system and the ordinary, and his Vicar general, have highest and final jurisdiction over these inferior clerics and clergy in the field who may fall short of their obligations. Direct the ordinary to the matter that requires his attention and have him carry out your wishes and deeds which are made in His name. He is also your servant if you accept and acknowledge his vows unto God. These offices of service were entered into voluntarily and those who did know what that entails.

    After that, it is the hand of Almighty God Himself that will fulfill the Law and work to be done according to His Will. Our ultimate trust lies in that promise and truth.
    Last edited by Anthony Joseph; 11-27-11 at 09:22 PM.

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