Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
If you want to tell me what you call it, then I might consider substituting the same words in for it. The terms I use are more common words for the same thing you are talking about. There is also a tendency to involve "HJR-192" in the mythical accounts. The SSN is a personal TIN (Tax Identification Number) which is the number for the account that the Withholdings are kept in. That is pretty much equal to the amount of withholdings that your employer or you have put in it.

You allude to Secrets of the State Act and you also referred once to the Lieber Code being cited in the Hague Convention 1953, Article #55. Can you link us to those please?

You are right about Internet Yarn! I like you and like you here. You expressly state that you have the documentation about two traffic tickets that you had setoff and so I hope you might let us in some sanitized images.
We call it the Coresource Method or just say CS Method. It does not have all the aspects of someone doing AFV so sometimes called it non-afv method here. We are not acting as the trustee for the instrument, it is more like an approval FDA stamp type take, whatever to allow the trustees to do their job. It is the equivalent to the CFO at a corporation to act as fiduciary to communicate with the state and get the account credited.

HJR-192 is simply the codification within the military government structure, again that kind of thing is for statutory employees per previous discussion on " Persons ".
Not really for us to be concerned about as far as CS Method goes, that is for the trustees to worry about of the Public Trust (Cesti Que Vie).

State Secrets Protection Act
: Brief information just to show you this actually exists - http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s110-2533


Evidence that the Liber Code was adopted by the Hague Convention: Again very brief information to show the method to what I describe -


Direct link to the Art. 55 : http://www.icrc.org/ihl.nsf/WebART/1...5?OpenDocument

If you are really interested now it would be in your best interest to learn the words Usufruct and Usufructuary which can be found in most legal dictionaries.
On that note I guess you could say the one word that kicked started us off on this journey is usufruct as found in the following quote:
" the earth is held in usufruct for the living "
- Thomas Jefferson

Unfortunately I do not have a decent scanner right now to be able to scan those papers in about the tickets, it would come out very bad. So hold that thought and
I will get it in here when I can.

Peace be with you.