Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
On the latter I am knowledgeable of such things, have even done it myself, i had nothing when traveling, traveled downtown all the time and was never pulled over. There is such language out there to a Bill Of Sale being an MSO. People get too caught up in private and public languages that they loose their way, they forget it is an " interest " in a thing they are transferring. Right of possession is just holding it until the vehicle is transferred somewhere else. Whether money transfer hands or a loaf of bread is separate from the equity interest itself. Once you understand this you can do some amazing things.
The point is that if the purchaser is a resident or an office holder then its quite a bit different from the case if the purchaser is private or foreign to the State. My observation is that most folks have shown an inability to make adequate distinctions between (A) public and (B) private.