Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
IMO: You need not acknowledge that you are Beneficiary - that is evidenced in the Birth Certificate. and Livery of Notice is also taken care of as the Doctor in Hospital by and thru its Agents made the Livery - official transfer of - the COBL upon the correct office. Else there would be no BC.

liv·er·y (lv-r, lvr)

1. A distinctive uniform worn by the male servants of a household.
2. The distinctive dress worn by the members of a particular group; uniform: ushers in livery.
3. The costume or insignia worn by the retainers of a feudal lord.
a. The boarding and care of horses for a fee.
b. The hiring out of horses and carriages.
c. A livery stable.
5. A business that offers vehicles, such as automobiles or boats, for hire.
6. Law Official delivery of property, especially land, to a new owner.

True, I do not seek to acknowledge that I am Beneficiary. I also know that the livery of the COLB and BC has been made.

However, what hasn't been acknowledged is the DEED itself by the grantee (you, us). True a Beneficiary has been named and livery has been made but the grantee to such inheritances has not completed/executed the process, hence the energy and increase of men and women is claimed by the wards/guardians of the estate.

This is why we are compelled to "pay" for everything associated with the NAME. Most people are in this "boat" (Lost at Sea).

My opinion is that an acknowledgement of these DEEDs must be performed in order to complete and execute the grant of estate and be upon equitable title. When this occurs, the wards/guardians who were "collecting" from us on behalf of the estate, must now recognize the EXECUTED grant by the Beneficiary (lawful owner/heir) and perform upon that distinct, AND NOW REQUIRED, office and duty of SERVICE. There should no longer be any collection claims served upon us and we are no longer obligated to "pay" for anything in that NAME. They may not have a "desk plaque" to turn around but they sure have a sworn oath under God that they are bound to.

It is the acknowledgement and EXECUTION of the DEED of estate in trust that I wish to perform and put into action by livery of NOTICE in order to compel performance from those who swore that they would do this duty - SO HELP ME GOD.