Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
Under president Gerald Ford:
August 14, 1974 - Congress authorized U.S. citizens to own gold; December 31, 1974 - private U.S. citizens were allowed to buy and own gold for the first time in more than 40 years.
(Click on the site and scroll down to category " 1974")

U.S. Citizens are statutory persons, subject to that trust construction. Those who have pledged themselves to the U.S. Corporate Construct Trust no matter what the circumstances. Blind ambition I guess.
( Executive Office Of The United States Government in Washington, DC is a private company)

You are repeating your posts?

I explained about the rescission of the Emergency in my $10K-character post above. I have a lot more though. There is actually a book about it - the Senate Report is an entire book!

I made my point by showing you the Public Law as it was integrated into the US Code to officially end the emergency. And I pointed out, how the only potential emergency remaining is for people to begin redeeming lawful money by demand, and that is a perfectly acceptable option.

My guess is that by repeating a post you are saying, Here is the proof!

I believe that the MANTA link, which is by the way not the one you want anyway - you probably want the one that shows two million or so employees and OBAMA as the CEO, I have that link around somewhere and it demonstrates how the US government as a body politic operates in international commerce like a business. Looking around I just proved that the United States of America is an ice skating rink. The USA Inc. is a firm that never got off the ground for promoting sports events - look closely. If you start promoting that material as any "proof" the USA is a corporation though - your name is mud with me; for what that's worth. I am only reluctant because of the RAP/RuSA James Timothy TURNER crowd potentially misusing my research mind you - I am not accusing you of anything, I am just left with everybody trying to interprete you repeating posts without any explanation.

I said above that the demand for process-to-results images is what you are putting on yourself, Motla68. - After you indicated that I am demanding it of you. In the Rules on the Forums Main Page we find that we really don't have any yet. Aside from irrational rants and porn I doubt Admin will be banishing anybody soon. If you demand to be believed though; the images will be necessary - speaking for myself only.


David Merrill.