4 ways to tender Payments

1: Standing
2: Mandate
4: Acceptance

1: If you lack standing, then no matter what you do you cannot submit a tenor of payment, unless you know how the tenor works...
2: If you cannot acquire the mandate to do so, then for the lack of a better word, FORGET it. Since they do not abide by their own regulation (Acts and Statute) then it is futile to try and find their mandate.
3: ORDER - Now, if an order is created for "Payment" then the order itself is the payment. This will allow anyone with the right knowledge of their commercial transactions to submit payment, and if the party in to which the order applies does not ACCEPT , they are in contempt of ORDER, and enforcement actions need to take place.
4: The best possible way is to have the other party you are making a tenor (tender of payment) to, all they need to do is accept it, and a clearing house will do the conversion.

So far some have utilized the last 2, ORDER and ACCEPTANCE.

Not as simple as some make it out to be, but understanding THEIR system is crucial in how they created it and what they can do and what position one must take.

P.S: If we had a PERSON, we can make all the tender of payments we want, the issue is, we do NOT have a PERSON, thus why it is difficult to comprehend we NEED their acceptance to make things work, or convert THIER PERSON into accepting the tenors.

Which falls back into the BC information, yes they created some sort of trust, but not as the BC, the BC is founded upon an ESTATE, the trust resides elsewhere.

