That is very interesting!

Thanks for keeping a close look at what is going on. Here is some Crosstalk:

I had a lengthy discussion with a suitor, who is qualified as in tax preparation and we went into some of the fundamentals of credit. He might have been coming from a different perspective but as I got it, we were discussing after one has published Notice and Demand in the county clerk, USDC and served that same N&D on the nearest Fed Bank, on might continue using a Credit Card without endorsing private credit. Of course my take is that we should discard the Credit Cards and use Debit Cards. We covered this extensively so I will just bring out some points that stuck with me.

His notion was that since N&D is properly given it is incumbent upon the bankers to watch their P?s and Q?s about lending fractionally on any funds in your account, since you have clearly not bonded any increase in the money supply (you have not endorsed a credit to the national debt). If they bond without authorization from you, the creditor, then that is counterfeiting money. So without anybody to monitor that, they will probably get away with it but I am not ready to send suitors into banking oversight.

This leads me to take the perspective of any black-robed attorney supposing this issue gets into court. By having the preponderance of credit ? Credit Card ? one accepts private credit. The attorney in the black robe will suppose that one day you will need to replace your transmission and so by private emergency you will need to take your credit card company up on their offer that you can take another 30 days or more to pay up the CC bill? By asking for credit in other words, you provided your Personal Information as debtor. Information indicts! You have already submitted your Name as granting Power of Attorney to the CC Company.

[I have amended my thought on that. As soon as you use a credit card you are getting credit. If you do not pay it off in the grace period, you get penalized.]

This really got fascinating from there though! We described the distinction between FRNs and USNs and decided that a loan is always granting credit. So one needs to provide Information if one wants a loan ? consistently ? whether elastic currency or not. So with the N&D in place properly served, is there any difference in the taxability of credit? Since you are specifying non-elastic currency with the N&D are transactions by the Credit Card considered taxable income?

We brought up the Atlanta Fed suit last year. I tried to convince BEACH that he needed to describe his injury, a class action for us all that the US notes are tied in value to the Fed notes that depreciates them both! He gave me no credit if you like the pun. Get a look though. If a suitor with understanding tried suing the Fed, then maybe a proper description of the Injury could be lodged.