It may feel roundabout to get to my point but take a look at the top of Page 2. There is something there about no man can be redeemed by a religion that he does not trust. Conversely there is no redemption in a process that a man cannot understand.

I ponder this lately.

Something seems key in understanding the redemption of lawful money, for identical reasons. A suitor called me up out of the blue today to tell me he had a revelation about the term "mammon" in the Holy Bible. He said it was for derivatives. How about that? Every time I have ever heard a sermon touching on that passage the preacher has never made any distinction between silver and gold for traditional money, and the first fiat - and subsequent IOU's, then notes like insurance policies FDIC and even a marketplace for gambling on foreclosures and death called guess what? Derivatives. I liked that thought. America escaped mammon between 1789 and 1861.

Wrap your mind around remedy, and it will execute smoothly. Basic metaphysics in the natural law.