Quote Originally Posted by JHV View Post
Obviously I am not yet ready to snatch the pebble from Master Merrill's hand.

While I am trying to make heads or tails of the LoR I find that I don't yet speak fluent Merrillian. Apparently I need to start using my "True Name", as opposed to what I have always considered to be my Real Name since the Eisenhower administration. This is causing me cosiderable cognitive dissonance.

So, accepting my fair share of abuse, what disadvantage is there in using my Real Name, and what advantage is to be gained by using my "True Name"? I understand my Real Name to be spelled First Last, or First M Last, or even on rare occasions First Middle Last. But now I am told that I should tell the world that I am First Middle, and that I should hit cap lock when I spell my LAST name, only to leave it unused in my every day affairs.

Honestly, this new "True Name" sounds a little dishonest, as though I am trying to hide something. All of my previous business dealings and all of my troubles with the powers that be are in my Real Name, and now I am supposed to overcome all my previous mistakes by using this new "True Name". My family thinks I wear a tin-foil hat as it is.

Alrighty then, bring it on.
Welcome JHV!

When you make your breakthrough, you will read that my name is David Merrill, and that Van Pelt is my family's name.


David Merrill Van Pelt is the name for forming constructive trusts and when I was twelve that is what I did with the Social Security Administration six months after I began working as maintenance man at an apartment complex.

After registration with SSA..

However a lot of people misread my name so I formed a quorum while my parents were still alive to fortify the truth:

See how they verified my name is David Merrill?

The all upper case LAST NAME is a way of distinguishing it as codified, encrypted or a Title - like SMITH, MILLER, COOPER are more obvious titles of occupation. This comes from when a father traditionally taught his son the family trade. The title is a constructive trust. Interestingly the mainstream usage of this is French, the same language as the term nom de guerre - name of war; which is spelled on the default will of a soldier in all upper case - underneath is Nom de Guerre.

Suppose the peaceful inhabitant is forced to joinder (engage) in trial by fire in the actual theater of war - suspension of the constitution?

Another concept about this is civil death.

Rather than to confuse you further though let me explain that once you are aware of the trusts that are contracted around you under the penumbra of "law" you might gain a lot more wiggle room to quit signing on as trustee, fiduciary responsible for settling the charges.


David Merrill.

P.S. I do not have a birth certificate.