Hi outlierquest,

you are not too specific about what it is you intend to do, but I see two distinct paths here: 1) separate yourself from the inventory stock number the SSA uses to track you as inventory, and 2) help defund the Federal Reserve. The most good you can do for yourself would seem to be to correct your civil status relative to the SSA by filing an amended SS-5 form, declaring your domicile in a state, rather than in Washington, DC. This takes you out from under the Federal government, and returns you to the Constitutional government. As a non-US citizen, you are exempt from income taxes, social security deductions, and I suspect Obamacare (although I have not confirmed that). As such, whether you use lawful money or not does not affect your non-taxpayer status, and the IRS does not deal with non-taxpayers (see http://sedm.org/Forms/Emancipation/C...ipDiagrams.pdf). Then 2) begin using lawful money for all receipts. This removes money from the Federal Reserve system. It also removes you from being bonded to the debt money, ie, you are then not responsible for the (government) debt. The constitution forbids the US government from trying to collect directly from the citizenry for their debts, but the Federal government is basically a corporation created by the US government to enslave the citizenry, and it operates by a law created by Congress, and does not have to operate within the Constitution. It was created by Congress in response to the bankruptcy of the US government under FDR in 1933. When the IRS tells you that paying income taxes is voluntary, they are correct: you volunteer when you sign up for SS as a US citizen. What they didn't tell you is that you could have signed up as an American citizen (rights protected by the Constitution), and under the Constitution, an income tax is illegal. So opting out of the Social Security system is your most immediately profitable step. Defunding the Fed by using lawful money is also a beneficial step. It has the advantage of allowing you to actually own things, whereas under the Federal government system, you are really just holding property for your owner (its fuedal).

Freed Gerdes