Quote Originally Posted by Arminius View Post
Thank you and David for your greeting. This is exactly what i'm aiming for. The question is, what to do with the SSN. I'm just a few years from collecting back some of the funds i unknowingly surrendered all those years slaving away in Babylon, yet to continue to utilize that account as id seems to be the nexus that ties one to the enslavement. At the same time, having that possible source of monthly funds would be helpful in the fairly near future.

I went thru a foreclosure in the recent past, sued the bank, unsuccessfully, ended up walking out because i was tired of the constant pressure from various liars and courts. Considering reinstating that suit as the knowledge base has been expanding, possible utilizing Trinsey v. Pagliaro, yet that's a topic for another time. Point being i notified the court within my suit of my remedy provided by 15 United States Statute at Large, July 27, 1868, know as Expatriation Statute.

Fast forward to a new state jurisdiction drivers license application where you may verbalize an affidavit of no SSN, yet it specifically states "i have never been assigned a ssn... Not something i could attest to. Change the verbiage on the application??? Continue to utilize the SSN and just spend endless time and resources correcting the presumptions...

BTW, awesome song, one of my favorites, and Eric Burdon is still out there slinging those tunes...

David, certainly no offense taken regarding your Legal Identity Definition Tree, but I'm unclear of it's utilization...

I apologize for not checking in often.

You best consider the SSN like an insurance policy ID#. You have been paying in premiums. The tricky part is utilizing, or rather not utilizing the same sequence of digits for other things and considering (in your head) that it is the same number. The most common incident of such is the Taxpayer ID# where the IRS Form tells you, Write in your SSN here. But take this another step - your Student Identification Number in upper education. Even the Fishing License. How about the Driver License?

This gets real tricky because the licensing authority is what might get pulled. Nothing of consequence to me because I am not required to have an insurance policy on my old age disabilities to drive, fish or attend college now, in my life. I am not required to have a SSN to collect SSI if you think about it. The agent for the SSA is required to collect the Identifying Number. So with Sports Authority - I checked the citations. So I can fish without a license, and get the cheap ER attention of Search and Rescue (which is why I applied and failed). Because in good faith I tried to get a license. It was not my fault that Sports Authority did not want to risk getting their licensing authority pulled by the State.

Enjoy pondering through these mental models. Do not cost yourself the policy and claim though.

I told my credit union since I was five to remove my SSN from the account. They said they could not. I told them there was no law requiring me to have a SSN! They closed the account. The upside is that they forgave $4K drawn on a letter of credit. They called my father, who opened the account with me and asked for my SSN. He knew better than to give third party information like that, even if he had known the sequence of digits.


David Merrill.