Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
This is a partial error.

There are three aspects of "law" if you will: written, spoken, and enforced. The aforementioned is courtesy of Lord Edward Coke.
I did stipulate that there are court cases affirming what I have just given you. These court cases (case "law") serve as the "spoken" form of law.

There are other government websites stipulating the same conclusion: that a birth certificate serves as PROOF of citizenship. If requested, I will dig for those court cases.
There is a strong administrative law aspect to all of this.

The concept of identification will parallel and run through birth certificates as well.

Perhaps it would help to give my perspective on how I research?
I do admit in backing up your previous statement about the matrimony part I can see your point though:

HEIR. "One born in lawful matrimony"
- 1856 Bouviers Dictionary

What makes it lawful? Because of the "unilateral agreement" between parent-persons and state-persons or even recording in the bible between the parents because you only need 2 or more witnesses correct?
Never the less it is a recorded event in which a piece of paper describes a baby, but we are no longer babies, have we not grown into adults capable of accepting the position as Son and Heir?