Quote Originally Posted by John Howard View Post
As if I didn't have enough on my plate already...

To try to raise some cash I listed an item on Craigslist. An individual responded with an offer to buy the item sight unseen and that he would have his mover pick it up after I deposited the certified check. I applied the smell test to this situation, and it failed. But I thought I would have some fun with it after all. I wrote "WITHOUT RECOURSE" on the check, signed it with the usual 12 USC ?411 demand and deposited the check. I then told the nice lady that I suspected the check was bogus. She informed me that if the bank did not get paid they would take it back out of my account, even if I had spent the money. I will go in on Monday and talk to the vice president of the bank an share my suspicion with her. No, I wont spend a dime of it until this is all sorted out.

Suitors, what do you think?
Why do banks ask if you are an account holder with them before administering any commercial paper you tender?

The proceeds of your account are the surety for whatever commercial paper, most likely checks, that you present through that bank.

Banks are in business to profit while limiting liability.