Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
You did get paid in CASH yes? no wait, he pays you in checks so what's the problem again?
No, he's willing to pay in cash, but he endorses private credit, so i see everything he pays me as private credit. At 1099 time, i wouldn't know what to do, because he's gonna report all those payments made, as upon nothing more than a verbal demand for lawful money. With a check, i can make my demand, photocopy it, record the serial #s, and so on. i make him cut me checks, for now, and i do so absent the claim that this is the right, or best, way of doing things.

"the problem again," is that the year's total payments will be in excess of $600, which makes the whole thing a taxable event. You triggered my OP. i understood you to be saying that cash payments are absent tax liability. If that is not what you meant, then i need you to clarify. Here...
Quote Originally Posted by Micheal View Post
And if one just gets paid in cash, well there is no trust there
Please bear in mind, if bossman doesn't get LEGAL M. NAME w/ SSN, i do not get the work. i'm learning, and practicing, how not to identify with that name, or number. i find that i need to be using them, for now.

i do need more study - your discernment is correct.

Straight up, i do not know how to demand lawful money, or how to communicate that demand, or how to record that demand, from a little fed res banker - such as the guy i'm working for.

Lemme try to draw an answer from you a different way; say he paid me $1000 cash. How would i record that transaction, without making an appointment with my notary to be present at the time? Why, then i'd have to have my notary present for every payment! Um, reality check? Also, i do not want to argue his being a federal reserve bank, before an irs agent. i "get" the mental model, i think, that in handling private fed res script, one is acting as a banker, really, but i am not now competent enough to discuss that assertion with anyone not already on the same page.

You mentioned affidavits of truth... do those carry any weight in admiralty? Maybe i've read one too many transcripts from quatloo's cherry tree, but i can't recall one of those "styled" docs helping anyone.

To motla68,
Thanks for replying. um, i don't have any time sheets, nor does he.

To David,
i'm paid by check, for now.
Dude's willing to pay in cash.
Lemme explain what i meant by, "He does not pay in redeemed lawful money."
There is no record anywhere of the serial #'s on the bills he'd give me.

Once upon a time, you mentioned in passing, that all services you render are paid for in R'dLM. i imagined that you somehow made sure there was a record somewhere, of those notes having been redeemed, prior to your acceptance of them as payment. i have a feeling that's not the case. In my mind, there is, or should be somewhere, a list of dead FRN serial #s.

As pertains to the IRS, i am silent. i have no idea what to do about the whole 1099 thing. i haven't filed a report or return in 16 years. i'm 36.

To everyone else,
If i was a moderator, i'd cut this conversation out of this thread, as off topic, and start a new thread called, "How do i record a lawful money demand, in a cash transaction?" OR "The nature of a lawful money demand, in a cash transaction, in excess of $600" i have hijacked this thread, somehow. i beg your forbearance.