Consider the fact that 9 of the "hijackers" from 9/11 were alive later, and consider the fact that representatives from our own government flew to Egypt and apologized on national television there for this "screw up".

Consider the fact that NONE of the supposed hijackers were on the boarding logs for the airplanes. There is also no record of any of them even having tickets. And then, ask yourself, if there were 19 hijackers and 9 of them were found alive, WHERE DID THE OTHER ONES GO, IF THEY WERE NOT ON THE PLANES?

911 may parallel Aurora in this way, with the exception of the fact that in the case of 911, someone screwed up and as a result some of the patsies lived. Since the elite have proven that they will vanish people in the name of a psy op as they did on 911, why would Aurora be any different? I believe the bodies they came up with to tag on the bat man shooting were inconvenient people the government wanted eliminated. Once they hit the hospital or coroner's office shot full of holes, who is to say WHERE they really came from before arriving?

This would explain WHY:

There was no CCTV or cell phone footage;
No pictures from inside the theater after the fact;
Why the blood spatters were clean and went the wrong way;
Why the police were talking about where to put the families and press WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING
Why the photos of the mourning family members looked like actors,
How Jessica Redfield witnessed the highly improbable two mass shootings in 1 lifetime,
Why Jessica Redfield hit the SSI database early, after moving to "7 pools and a lake",
The damning tweets,
The dead nurse,
The perfect shut outs on Google and other search engines (IMPOSSIBLE),
WHY the Aurora victims ALL got facebook profiles and donation pages in their honor while the Sikhs got NONE,
AND the fact that there really may have been dead bodies.

The fact that the bankers benefited so much from this alone is damning in and of itself; and really, if people did or did not die in the theater the point is irrelevant when even a drugged llama would be able to see that both of these shootings were government staged, the first to save the bankers, the second to shut down the release of a damning disclosure movie, and BOTH serving the purpose of restricting or banning guns. And if you can't agree with me that it's highly probable that no one died in that theater, at least you should be able to see the other motives. No matter what, neither of those shootings were as seen on TV.

The police tapes are still linked farther down this page, the one of greatest interest is the final one.