"Counterfeit money is imitation currency produced without the legal sanction of the state or government. Producing or using counterfeit money is a form of fraud or forgery."

The deposit of redeemed lawful money (redeemed US Treasury Notes) into accounts fractionalized by normal banking practice by Government agents (clerks, officers of the courts etc) is a crime.

It is also "misuse of public monies". As issued, US Treasury notes cannot be used as "reserve currency" putting these lawful payments into a "reserve" account at local banks is also a crime.

There is no immunity for these crimes by office nor oath with an elastic currency (insurance policy) BOND backing, it is a crime. The Treasury has its own enforcement agents.

Those agents, once informed and given the paper trail (proof) of a Suitor using Redeemed lawful money have the duty to find out where and how those "public monies" were treated. If they were converted into fractional reserves, thus creating MORE elastic currency, directly benefiting the depositor and their office, they have, in fact, committed many "high crimes and misdemeanors".

It is beyond time those crimes are reported and handled by Treasury agents.