Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
According to the Rules!

This fellow was being hit about $1M+ that he suddenly owed to the IRS when they discovered that his small rural Christian church was not 501(c)(3). This is my "nod" to the many pastors who think it wise to teach and preach their political agenda from the pulpit today.

When Ron was at the ATM drive-thru he got the message that he must come inside. He thought, "Oh God! They have swept my account again?" When he got inside they informed him all the funds had been restored and they just wanted him to sign a waiver of indemnity for the bank - that Ron would not sue them. We got a good laugh about that. The bank wrote letters of apology to anybody who had received a rubber check that week.

Of all those people who were cleaned out in that action Ron is likely the only one who ever saw any of his life savings returned.


David Merrill.
Nice, I like it.