What is amazing to me is that we live in the space age and our technology which we possess is amazing to say the least - witness the words on this page - and YET man is still plagued with spiritual curses. It seems that with the advance of technology also too an advance of spiritual plagues. So the flesh has been sated in pleasures in hedonism and yet the spirit remain without rest. And man seems to think by and large we are headed for some sort of utopia under man? HARDLY.

And all along the Company Store keeps issuing Credit to those who will feed their Ego in Things - which is a sickness in low esteem - meaning he and she work to feel a sense of value and a sense of purpose and a sense of fitting in with all the rest of the CRAZY men and women out there who are stuck in the same rut. The debtor is slave to the lender. Lets appeal to their sub-conscious with commercial ads that promote more buying - for buying is love - if you love her you will buy for her. Oh crap how are we gonna ever get out of debt - The Trap - because she watches the same TV and sees the same ads.

I MUST buy, MUST buy....

AJ - you strike at the root - which is the Natural Purpose - which is God Ordained. But man chooses perversion and unnatural acts which will always lead to mans ruin. She is a peculiar treasure to the husbandman. But then again if she is spoiled in the world of Estates - she no longer desires to be a femme covert she desires to be a femme sole and as such she and he bring spiritual plagues upon the children.

Now then I as the husbandman stand in the stead of my wife for she is my peculiar treasure as long as she submits and obeys me and I shall love her and overshadow her and protect her from those who would bring harm to our door - first they must come thru me. Therefore she cannot contract unless I allow it and I am not fond of allowing my wife to enter into the plagues of commercial warfare.

Therefore my LoR is enough for both of us for she and I are One. My child told me the other day "daddy I should obey you for God gave me to you and to disobey you is to disrespect God's authority" - I paraphrase but the point is made. There is a natural order of things. And in the natural order blessings abound.
