Quote Originally Posted by Seosaidh View Post
Wow, Anthony Joseph, that was a very well thought out response. It was the best one I've read about how redeeming lawful money gives remedy against servitude. Thanks. I understand it better now.

You are quite welcome.

The most important part of this issue is getting "remedy between your ears" and forming the record. This does not, however, guarantee you will be without strife or not be subject to further "tests" of your conviction. The truth does have power but it is God Almighty who decides how the truth will manifest for each of us. So there may be some who heard the truth and acted upon the truth but yet felt somehow "it didn't work". We have to remember it is not for us to decide if it "worked", it is our desire to seek and act upon the truth even though we may think "it didn't work" out of our lack of understanding or knowledge of God's Will.

The record is clear and it is ultimately God who judges the record. He will decide the manifestation and outcome of our actions and the actions of others. All we can do is act in honor, truth and peace as best we can and pray that He will lead us upon the righteous path regardless of our potential misguided notions of failure.

I find that part to be most challenging for me, keeping my thoughts and faith in check in the face of what sometimes seems like total ignorance, disregard and dismissiveness from those who are with the charge of administering and guarding the Kingdom - IN GOD WE TRUST and SO HELP ME GOD.