Shikamaru wrote:

Having only equitable or legal title is inferior to perfect title and perfect right where both are vested in one person and one only.
Splitting title is the beginning of imperfect rights and equity.

dead on and exactly my point,

In canada the vast majority of homes are held ?Fee Simple.?, i think in the usa its called ?condomium? or ?commonhold.?, am i correct with that?

These are legal terms,

This is the most common form of real estate title. In a fee simple (commonhold ) ownership, you have ?absolute ownership?

These titles are equitable titles right? because you have run of the place, you can grow a garden, you can sell it, you can put it in your will, you can charge for trespass, etc.

You are the benefit title holder, right? Beneficiary,

?fee simple ?,?commonhold? titles are subject to basic government rights such as taxation and subject to easements like building set-back lines, and water / wastewater etc,

and what you can do with the land, eg. recreational, industrial, commercial, etc.

this is a split title, its inferior on both sides to the perfect title,

both you and the government have different rights to the title because you hold opposite ends of the split title,
you being the equity title holder have to pay taxs and follow the easements otherwise a penalty will be applied and maybe even in the worst case the courts will take your equity title and hand it over to settle a debt acquired from a default,

Shikamaru wrote:
?Actually, equitable title holder is higher ranked than legal title holder. ?

equity title = 9/10th of the law
legal title = 1/10th of the law

but that doesn't matter, they are both different, apples and oranges,

the legal title holder has no use for the land so they collect a yearly fee for its use,
they don't want to hold the equity title, if they do they make no yearly fee,
they work in volume, volume volume and like it that way,

the equity title holder has use for the land, and it does matter if were not holding the legal title because we are now subject to the legal titles holder rules and fees,

so if we had perfect title then we have full use of equity with no restrictions or fees,

split title = torrens title system,

why can the government guaranty a clear title in ?fee simple? ?commonhold? ?

they hold the legal title and carry 1/10th of the law so this secures a clear title free and clear of liens,

this is the same process done with the birth registration and car registration,

i am sorry Anthony Joseph,
i am running out of time and can't review your post,
i will look when i get back ,
i am off hunting for a week,
be back around monday or so,