Quote Originally Posted by Mark Christopher View Post
OK I just lost a full page of writing, so I will keep it short. Went into today with the addendum. The bank will not accept any addendum to an account.

Then I said just give me copy of agreement. They have 3 old ones of mine but the most recent is missing. Weird. (After we were friendly to each other the banker told me she thinks what I did with lawful money had something to do with it!)

So the woman who I have been dealing with says to me just fill out a new agreement card. OK i will. But she would not accept the specially as signature. Nor would their legal department without ID (Rock had it right!). Anyway I walked out with ALL transactions happening in Lawful Money!!!! WOOHOO!!

BTW the woman I was dealing with who I was ready to strangle at one point ended up talking for 20 mins on lawful money and other things. She actually is a very nice person. Weird God does work in mysterious ways. Amen

Be well All
Mark Christopher.

It is literally awesome and astounding how God will support us if only we will have faith and move forward onto new ground fearlessly. Also your success story is a testimony that redemption of lawful money is not a specific of private remedy. It is for men and women and that would be in the full or legal name as well.

Go get a new DL card and sign it Mark Christopher clearly printed. Your Signature Card says you are doing business as Mark HOWARD (or Smith, whatever) so sign everything else Mark Christopher. If it causes problems show your DL card identifying yourself as Mark Christopher. If they say you have to sign Mark Howard then they are obviously asking you to commit perjury or criminal impersonation, unless you are willing to dawn that mantle in trust - which is likely. So finish your signature:

Mark Christopher dba Mark HOWARD.

A notary will typically notarize your signature Mark Christopher if you show her (sorry, all the notaries I know are female) your DL card signature.

That gives me an idea. Go get a Certificate of Search ($25) from your USDC for Mark Christopher. Take that to a notary and have your signature and seal (thumbprint) notarized on it then publish it at your county clerk and recorder. Now you can give away certified copies for $1.25.


David Merrill.