Well, I can see getting any simple answers will be difficult I think... Not trying to be snide or rude, but is there a reason to be so poetic almost whimsical? Is it because the situation is so grave and out of control that it is just an act of rebellion before the system collapses? I had to go back and read your response. I assume that the subject matter is so vast that it just can't be "explained" - perhaps only sincere individuals who truly seek will find the answers, and maybe thats the exercise - we got into this mess because we took for granted what we were told, rather than researched ourselves. I just have to keep at it and keep trying I suppose and when I have tangible proof of my actions, then you guys will perhaps be more direct in response. I get it

I believe God has everything in his control, so I don't worry about too much - but in the meantime think we need to be good stewards as we pass through this world. A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. Prov 11:1

I went to my bank today and spoke with the branch manager. She will have my signature card there Monday after 1.

I plan on never endorsing a check ever again. It will be an exercise in discipline, but I think it is well worth it. Does this mean I will no longer have "income" and now have "compensation" which isn't taxable by the IRS?
I am completely aghast that America has been sold down the river. I think I have been in shock more than anything knowing that to claim our rights we have to escape the corporate code which is VERY difficult in our complacent lives.

I have also just been turned on to land patents. It's funny because I went to real estate school and have NEVER heard of land patents. Amazing how the "education" system failed to mention that. Oh - I cant wait for my blacks law dictionary to arrive either!