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Thread: Lincoln killed America

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    The State of Soleterra

    Lincoln killed America

    July 14, 1862, when President Lincoln offered 6 percent interest bearing-bonds to states who freed their slaves on a "per head" basis.

    That is the birth of "Human Resources".
    That is the starting point of the end of America.
    Admiralty took over and had convinced "States" to hand over the resources with a 6% interest rewards.
    Government assigned a dollar value on the "heads" of people in America.
    And he was rewarded with a bullet in the "head".
    Now that IRONY.

  2. #2
    Interesting. Thank you Walter.

    Here is some history that comes from the Mason Museum:

    The Letter reads:

    Carlsbad, California
    July 16, 1933

    This cane was made by William Dunlap and James Dunlap of Ripley Ohio the year that Abraham Lincoln ran against Stephan Douglas out of a stick from the Henry Clay homestead. The silver head was made by a jeweler.

    Abraham Lincoln was to speak at the Little Brick School located on the William Dunlap farm. At the meeting the cane was presented to Abraham Lincoln. He took out his pocket knife and put his monogram on the head. At his inauguration as President he had the cane in his possession. The following morning my great uncle, James Dunlap called on the President, by invitation. Abraham Lincoln said to him, “James you take this cane and keep as a souvenir. I have done as you boys asked and have carried it to the White House.”

    James Dunlap kept the cane until he passed away, then William Dunlap kept it until he passed away. Then his eldest son, Benjamin Hopking Dunlap, gave it to me when I was twenty one years of age. I have had it in my possession ever since. It has not been out of the Dunlaps’ possession since Abraham Lincoln presented it to James Dunlap at the White House.

    It has been said by a great many Lincoln scholars that Lincoln never carried a cane, always an umbrella, except one a lady, who was a little girl at the time. Who was the daughter of a friend of Lincoln, and she wrote an article that published in a magazine. It said she had seen Lincoln carry a cane and had played with it.

    I am leaving this to the trustees of Amethyst Lodge No. 94 A.F. & A.M. Creede, Colorado. If they ever see fit to dispose of it, the returns to be used to the benefit of the above named lodge.

    Witness S/W E. Ore S/ William W. Dunlap
    This photo shows about 1/4 of the books in the Lincoln Room at the federal repository.
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    Last edited by David Merrill; 01-07-13 at 01:51 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    The State of Soleterra
    Hats off to the masons. (joking of course)
    This is what they created using Lincoln and 151 years.

    US budget debts/ceilings

    Lesson # 1:

    * U.S. Tax revenue: $ 2,170,000,000,000
    * Fed budget: $ 3,820,000,000,000
    * New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000
    * National debt: $ 14,271,000,000,000
    * Recent budget cuts: $ 38,500,000,000

    Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:

    * Annual family income: $ 21,700.
    * Money the family spent: $ 38,200.
    * New debt on the credit card: $ 16,500.
    * Outstanding balance on the credit card: $ 142,710.
    * Total budget cuts so far: $ 3.85

    Here's another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:

    Lesson # 2:

    Let's say, You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup
    in your neighborhood...and your home has sewage all the way up to your

    What do you think you should do ......

    Raise the ceilings, or remove the shit?

  4. #4
    That's a good point. I do not blame the Masons.

    First though, I should be clear that I am not a Mason. I have spent years, off and on visiting the Mason Museum and Library. I have come to appreciate them in a position of custodians of the Record.

    In your scenario what you describe to be shit is debt. Congress opened up a new jurisdiction, survey or fictional estate (elastic currency) in 1913. State banks played in that forum for twenty years and then FDR opened it up to the common man to endorse and pretend to be State Banks too, accepting the same irrecusable obligation to file a Return of Income while contributing to that national debt you espouse to actually exist. - In other words, the shit (debt) is cluttering up your mind. In other words the shit is in your mind.

    I have been keeping it out of mine. Maybe some of the readers are finally able to ponder this attachment here and grasp what I am saying. It is possible that one has to author such a Bill of Exchange in order to understand it. Whether or not you put any confidence in the BoE itself you might at least try to put yourself in my shoes as its author and apply the context of Basel Accords to see that I do not want the FDIC and OCC regulating me and my BoE for all the money in the world - all the debt in the world.

    There are more direct ways to comprehend what I am saying about the Masons. Read I Chronicles 6 some time. Notice that only one delegate for NY signed ratification of the Constitution - which means there was not a proper quorum and that one delegate was Alexander HAMILTON who is known to us as the single biggest proponent of central banking who opposed Thomas JEFFERSON and Benjamin FRANKLIN who both warned against us awakening to find ourselves enslaved by debt...

    If you carefully observe the dust cover to my new book (sent by a suitor as a gift) you might get that Robert LIVINGSTON was Grand Master and Chief Justice of NY and was not swearing in George WASHINGTON as President (at least not properly) but was initiating America as an extension of the Lodge. Masonry is properly the foundation and infrastructure of what has developed into the greatest nation in the world. Without Masonry America would have never been - and you do not have to agree with that.

    It is fine if you do not. I am only saying that so that you might understand where I am coming from. Debt - at least it having value to third parties is an aberration of the mind - an illusion. So the hypothetical shit in your projection is nothing more than illusion. Debt does not really exist. [Outside the creditor/debtor relationship - the parties in interest. The buying and selling of debt is absurd. The only thing making the illusion seem real is a buying party (buying into the illusion) becoming fighting mad when somebody like me offers a reality check.] The estate known as the Federal Reserve System is much more fragile than the banks making claim on your home want you to think. So your image of shit to the ceiling is delusion. Congress has deluded itself with a delusion that elastic currency could be legalized by criminal syndicalism in 1913.


    David Merrill.

    This broadcast has been brought to you in opposition to the attorneys who baffle the poor judge with papers. [Talk about shit up to the ceiling! Look at all these Letters to the Judge!]

    Last edited by David Merrill; 01-07-13 at 08:58 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    July 14, 1862, when President Lincoln offered 6 percent interest bearing-bonds to states who freed their slaves on a "per head" basis.

    That is the birth of "Human Resources".
    That is the starting point of the end of America.
    Admiralty took over and had convinced "States" to hand over the resources with a 6% interest rewards.
    Government assigned a dollar value on the "heads" of people in America.
    And he was rewarded with a bullet in the "head".
    Now that IRONY.
    Cites? Treatises?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    .... Alexander HAMILTON who is known to us as the single biggest proponent of central banking who opposed Thomas JEFFERSON and Benjamin FRANKLIN who both warned against us awakening to find ourselves enslaved by debt...
    If one gives a good look at the founding of the Organization of American States one might find that it results effectively from a fusion of two separate 'entities'. The Pan American Union and another kind of Inter-American organization or something like that. Key point here is that the so-called American States (i.e. Ecuador, United States, etc.) formed a commercial organization amongst themselves. Perhaps plantations tend to be rather commercial in nature?
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    If one gives a good look at the founding of the Organization of American States one might find that it results effectively from a fusion of two separate 'entities'. The Pan American Union and another kind of Inter-American organization or something like that. Key point here is that the so-called American States (i.e. Ecuador, United States, etc.) formed a commercial organization amongst themselves. Perhaps plantations tend to be rather commercial in nature?

    Thank you for that insight.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    July 14, 1862, when President Lincoln offered 6 percent interest bearing-bonds to states who freed their slaves on a "per head" basis.
    If you have any sources on this, I would be grateful.

    Quote Originally Posted by walter
    That is the birth of "Human Resources".
    That is the starting point of the end of America.
    Admiralty took over and had convinced "States" to hand over the resources with a 6% interest rewards.
    Government assigned a dollar value on the "heads" of people in America.
    If you have any sources on this, I would be grateful too.

  9. #9
    Thank you all, as always, for providing the sources. I have the federal repository and like shown above the Lincoln Room too - as with the Mason Museum and Library available to track down the evidence if you can provide some level of citation.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    I don't know where to start.
    There is so much that happened in 1862 and the years before and after.
    I will post a few key points.
    The Acts and Proclamations that lead up to the Emancipation Proclamation are the key to this "price per head".
    First Confiscation Act, Second Confiscation Act, Supplemental Act, etc.
    In Lincoln's State of the Union address December 3, 1861
    He first mentioned the possibility of buying freedom with federal taxes.

    $300 per enslaved person in compensation from the government.
    This bill freed over 3,000 slaves, expending more than one million dollars in federal payments.
    Name:  supplemental act.jpg
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    Name:  433px-Supplemental_Act_of_July_12,_1862,_page_2.jpg
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    In July 1862, Congress passed and Lincoln signed the "Second Confiscation Act", containing provisions intended to liberate slaves held by "rebels",[32] but Lincoln took the position that Congress lacked power to free slaves within the borders of the states unless Lincoln as commander in chief deemed it a proper military measure,[33] and that Lincoln would soon do.

    This is when Lincoln brought Admiralty into the picture. He knew the feds lack jurisdiction so he had to use his military position to enforce his goal, under Article II, section 2 of the United States Constitution.
    This military action is well documented.

    Attachment 1029

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