No, no - that's not the problem because I am tracing all the patriot arguments back and before preceding to any of them am finding the laws on the books to verify them.
It's simple to see the lawful money claim, 12 USC 411 and Rickman appears to verify this. I don't endorse checks anymore. Its that simple.

Land patents appear to me so far to be that you can CALL FORTH the patent and stake a claim to it, but yes the original patent was made by the "kings/presidents" etc. I basically verified this by reading the tract book where private citizens are recorded owning the "patent" on record. The picture I posted above shows a gentleman recorded in the book to lay claim to it in 1852 - 20 some years after the grant from Uncle Sam.

I have been doing precisely what you suggest Shik - I've been spending as much time as I can at the court house scouring these documents. As far as the law library goes, my best resource so far has been Cornell as I have not yet been able to afford any time to the law library.

I guess I was lamenting the fact that the only Internet searchable forums on the subject are two "extremes" if you will - Patriots/Freeman and the polar opposite which only hurl insults at us people trying to unencumber ourselves w government regulation and abuse. I suppose I was hoping for more information of success stories featured on news reporting sites - but I know the absurdity of expecting the media to cover anything outside of their programming and propaganda