Quote Originally Posted by reticulating splines View Post
Thank you David. Colorado Dept of Revenue is brutal. What I initially owed has grown by hundreds of dollars with the penalties and interest. I was really making an effort to get it paid down for a while but it was going the wrong way. Finally I called and asked why I owed more so much more than I started with when I was making payments for almost a year. I was told that the extra penalties would be stopping after about a year. I owe the Fed too but at least they deferred me making a payment for a year, not that the interest won't stop.

Now my latest issue with Wastewater, Denver Storm & Drainage service annual fee. It went up by 30.00 and I haven't made it a priority with my circumstances so I just got a certified letter they are going to give notice to the Manager of Finance to process a lien against my house for 108.00 by the end of Jan if it's not paid in full plus interest and filing fees. It's not a lot to pay but I've hit some hard times. Going through this has opened my eyes in many ways. I feel for some of the senior citizens on limited incomes who have their property taxes, insurance and all these other money making loopholes heaved on them to the point where they can't afford their homes even if it's paid off. It can only go so far before people finally say enough is enough you greedy sob's. I want to learn how to put up a fight where I can and or they just mow you over with their self proclaimed authority.
The remedy is to redeem lawful money.

It is starting though - to put pressure on Congress for pegging the US note to the diminishing value of FRN's. Title 31 USC §5115 makes no sense to me. Removing the US notes from regular circulation and then pegging inelastic currency to elastic seems to be where the fraud is most prevalent.

I am still hoping that somebody will explain how that can be honest and honorable.

I presume these coins to be worth about $300M. They are located in a Treasury vault on the SE corner of the Golden Rectangle in Colorado Springs. That is an interesting survey. My suspicion is this is the value of the US notes still "circulating" in FR Banks. They are kept "circulating" in vaults to prevent them wearing out by handling since 1971.

I removed Secretary RUBIN for Temple Desecration quite some time ago by and large by using the US Geodetic Survey to prove that I am on dry land. I used Mount Herman for that. Interestingly Mount Herman is on the Rectangle survey: