I did not discover observing the Daniel Cycle on my own. The Other End of the World by Roger RUSK is a good account about GUINNESS and his explorations into the prophetic timelines. He prefaces his book with a comment to the effect, If you do not understand the distinction between the Israelite and the Jew you are still in your prophetic infancy.

Chosen Seed.

Possibly one should read portions of the Babylonian Talmud to fully appreciate the power of Nebuchadnezzar capturing the intellectuals of Israel in 584 BC. Part of comprehending this can be gleaned by understanding the nature of the civil war described in the books of Nehemiah and Ezra, especially that the Constitution of Nehemiah 10 was an appeasement process to a mental occupation of Babylon in Israel. Speaking for others from my own experience my initial study of the Bible never captured the reason why Israel was suffering a civil war at that time of rebuilding the Temple. The Israelites did not want the Jews rebuilding the Temple wall. The Jews today still revere Darius (524 BC) (Cyrus, and it would seem Babylon is kind to pseudonomania with two names [LODGE NAME] for about everybody) for being so good as to release the Jews from Babylon to go rebuild the Temple services in Israel. The completely different-looking alphabet was also assigned. The metaphysics of spelling and words themselves were refashioned.

You can view the Timeline more closely Here.