Quote Originally Posted by Keith Alan View Post
I want to posit the idea that by demanding lawful money, a new kind of fractional currency is created.

I've been thinking of US notes as a non-elastic and un-fractionalized currency, and that's true, since US notes are limited to $300 million.

But think about this: if suddenly 1,000,000 people decided to demand lawful money when they deposited their paychecks, presumably more the $500 million in lawful money would instantly be created.

This demonstrates that demanding lawful money does not result in being issued US notes. Rather, US money on account becomes available, and can be spent into the economy.

Any thoughts?

Ill have to say, all US notes are lawful money, but not all lawful money are US notes. Lawful money takes many other forms, including but not limited too coin. Lawful money can't be fractionally lent. The goal is to do you patriotic duty, adhere to the just weights and measures principles, and demand inelastic non-intentionally depreciated money. We won't shut down the FED by demanding 300,000,000 in lawful money, hell, PBS did an article stating there is something like 1 billion in 1 dollar coins just sitting at the Fed. I think the biggest thing on this site is setting up definitive proof that this redemption is true and just, this is a way to opt out of the IRS, and can be spread to liberty loving businesses owners and their employees who demand their private property rights, the fruits of their labor.

This year, I would say if we could get a simple pamphlet together with a stamp stating our demand, to be sold or given out to Americans, that would be a win. A simple 3 to 4 step process to show others the truth. I've sat down with 2 bankers and next have a meeting with a tax preparer (hopefully to awaken him), and want a simple way to describe this process. I almost feel called to do it...