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Thread: Macro-economic Lawful Money

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Alan View Post
    Well, as far as "fixing things" goes, I'm not sure what that means. The vast majority of people believe the fiction of the state is real, and while they see problems with it, they definitely support things the way they are.

    Thanks for posting those pics describing Federal Reserve Banks and the various currencies. Your posts are always jam-packed with information, and on many levels.

    When I asked if demanding lawful money was tantamount to invoking SDR's, I was specifically wondering about invoking rights that are special. I noticed in the top pic, it talked about Special Drawing Right certificates. I don't know what those are, but the nomenclature describes what I think Demand Lawful Money actually could be. When you endorse for lawful money, you are certifying you don't want private credit. But I think what you end up getting is public credit.

    If someone demands lawful money, doesn't he receive the same legal tender, except he is invoking a different set of rights than he would otherwise expect to receive?

    This brings up another thought: the IRS collect tax revenues in the form of money on account. Since it's bonded by taxpayers, and deposited with Treasury, isn't IRS demanding lawful money from taxpayers? And aren't those revenues applied to outstanding obligations with IMF?

    I hope I'm making sense. It seems to me that demanding lawful money from a Federal Reserve bank, is identical in every way to the IRS demanding returns signed under penalty of perjury from taxpayers.
    In an unprecedente action the IMF is "censoring" Argentina for false reporting and hiding the dire state of its national credit. Keeping this in perspective requires you to persistently understand that the IMF is United Nations. This also behooves us to keep in mind that the Fed is a central bank - albeit formed by Congress in 1913 central banks by nature are international and private banking cartels that specialize in lending governments "money". By "money" what I am restating is an absurdity that debt has value to anybody other than who lends, anybody but the bank lending money on credit.

    It is absurd, at least to me that anybody can buy and sell debt, especially on derivative or speculative principles such as "futures" etc.

    I think our basic difference in posture is best explained by you in your post.

    Well, as far as "fixing things" goes, I'm not sure what that means. The vast majority of people believe the fiction of the state is real, and while they see problems with it, they definitely support things the way they are.

    It is precisely people living lives in psychotomimetic delirium about macroeconomics that are preventing any possibility that any kind of interim Bandaids will function. Since my BoE I have watched distortions first in Bailouts - where OBAMA was permitting unbonded currency to be printed to save banks/bankers, then when that failed we had false overtures toward austerity measures and as people accepted that absurdity Plunge Protection went into effect and was accepted too - which is about the most stupid thing investors in the Market could tolerate; but the imagination controrted reality even further with something called quantitative easing...

    If you are proposing a better solution than Bandaids to a tradeable stock certificate that is intentionally designed to deteriorate in value over time, it would be interesting to try comprehending it.

    Psychotomimetic literally means to mimic psychosis. I like studying psychotomimetic phenomena. I attend regularly Subproject 130 (CIA's MK-ULTRA) Displacement Hysteria (imagination disorder) from 1960 - LSD-25, dosing Helen SCHUCMAN for seven years straight and chronicling her audio hallucinations - A Course in Miracles. Author/agent Bill THETFORD entertains my immensely with swapping letters - Rot bled filth. Better yet - William THETFORD is A fed will tort him...

    Joh 7:14 Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.
    Joh 7:15 And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?
    Joh 7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
    Joh 7:17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
    Joh 7:18 He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.
    So listen to that would you?

    Jesus boldly taught the gematra (Kaballa) to the Jews even though they could not figure out from which Lodge he was initiated?

    Interestingly I discovered that passage in the Mason Library. So What Would Jesus Do?

    Answer: Walk the earth like Qwai Chang KANE on a silent scholarship (frankincense, myrrh and GOLD) of gold from the Magi (Daniel's inheritance/heritage) visiting the mystery schools and learning all the esoteric knowledge of Babylon, Israel and Egypt. The initiated rabbis therefore were amazed that he knew the Secrets of the Sanctuary in and out while belonging to no lodge at all?

    At least until he entered the Order of Archelaus in a low-budget dunking ceremony on the Jordan River.

    As the Bible teaches us, there is no room for Bandaids repairing contraction of the drachma/half shekel Temple Tax. I am glad I noticed the reflections in the glass. I was giving a tour of the Golden Rectangle to a religious leader. Imagine though, what that scepter might fetch these days at an auction. I am surprised it is not snagged by the US government as a national treasure!

  2. #12
    David, you have marvelous insight into some things, but I am not proposing solutions. I am merely trying to understand better the way things are. I see the world as mortally corrupted by original sin, which is another way of saying too many people have god complexes. That was the sin of Adam and Eve - invoking their own righteousness before God's.

    If the love of money is the root of all evil, it makes sense to try and understand what money is. Money is a very powerful invention, and has taken many different forms. It is the economic blood of any society, carrying through the stream of commerce all manner of goods and services to every member of the body. It is univeral in its utility, in that it is able to supply every man's physical needs and desires, provided another man is willing to trade with him.

    Money competes against Creator God by tempting men to trust first in their own skill and judgement, rather than simply accepting blessings from on high. Money is the agent that allows men to climb out of primoridial existence, and leave behind total reliance on the Creator. This is really a delusion, since we are from the earth, and to the earth we all return. But such is the power of the delusion.

    "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." I strive to remember these words everyday, and apply them to life's circumstances. Poor in spirit is humility, and not pretending to have control over others, or indeed, one's own life. The kingdom of heaven is more than apolitical - it's anti-political by nature. Money has no place, because God himself cares for his people.

    The world that the Adversary showed to the Savior was one of delusion. Riches and power splayed across the earth, dominating mankind in every way, yet entirely imaginary. Man has invented powers and principalities of the air - imaginary things, political systems of every stripe - to dominate and control other men, but he tells himself it is good, and necessary. And these powers all rely on money changing hands.

    But the Savior said, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is within easy reach." He told the rich man to sell everything, and give it all away, and follow into the kingdom, but the rich man became troubled in his heart. Such is the power of the delusion.

    So what is lawful money? It is a bundle of rights, allowing the holder to acquire goods and services in society in a lawfal manner. It appears to be something that runs alongside private credit, identical in every way, indistinguishable in form and utility, yet it calls on authority from a different source than the private credit scheme.

    It's as if the private credit holders and public credit holders coexist in the same delusion that is the state. However, the public credit holders have the power to neuter the private credit holders estate. Isn't that the entire purpose for demanding lawful money?

  3. #13
    As for Kabalah and Jesus (Y'shua?/Joshua?) I'm unsure of the connection. It seems plausible that cultish profiteering off of lack of a widespread lack of knowledge by making 'masses' of people ignorant of what was plainly observable throughout creation may have touched upon the kind of mindset Jesus' time came up against. I recall a many suggestions of there being a link with those sorts and Cain. Someone I met once told me that he and his fellow Masons attributed their 'lineage' back to Tubal Cain. Is that a truthful statement made by him?

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    It has been suggested that Cain upon being unable to be quite all that productive set up cities because it provide a way to profit from the activity of others. Those who Jesus was up against then were multiple times linked to (OT/Genesis) Cain. Weren't the Canaanites merchants or more of a 'merchant society'? Coin? Cain? Hmmmm.

    It should not be a surprise that allegedly since the 60s in the (imaginary) USA perhaps it has be possible to get a degree in economics without taking an accounting class. It seems moreso what has transpired since 1913 or so is with the coming of the FRB/FRS and the strategic dumbing down of millions of folk in the Americas to the extent an a "money cult" oligarchy was able to form and gain a foothold. Thusly I would tend to suggest remedy to be in folks learning about money, risk management and the like.

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    Throwing unbonded money around smacks of super duper silliness. Seems more like something an economist that knows jack about risk management or accounting would do.

    It seems rather obvious that money should be associated with productive/fruitful endeavors. It seems that money should go to capital and that capital applied to productive things. Money for the sake of money--that appears to point to both the problem and to the notion of the love of money (not money itself) being the root of all evil.

    Again, the issue of what appears to be a typical fixation in the USA with buying things that are hardly productive although entertaining. I was taught to buy things that can be utilized productively. I suppose its to say that the problem may run deep into the mindset of the average US-ian. I'd say the dollar's weakening comes with the debilitation of the manufacturing base but yet they (the Money Cult in the 90s) were gambling on futures, swaps and derivatives knowing fully well that the capital (US steel mills, semiconductor manufacturing and other manufacturing businesses) that would underwrite recovery on those futures contract was disappearing. I hope that made sense.

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    So you have dumbed-down heirs, US-ians and such and money-cult that gains control of media and schools and dumbs down the schooling. Then you have the prospect of economists who know little to nothing about accounting and risk management being in the ears of governmental execs. I once had someone spend an hour or so trying to convince me of the actuarial sciences having zero connection to accounting. From what I recall he claimed to have been an actuary and such. Obviously someone failed to tell him that, in the U.S., the U.S. dollar is unit of measurement of risk. So you have so-called professionals (with degrees) going into the fight for you but trouble is they are 'fighting blind'. And you have a media that has hypnotized folks into thinking turning to an economist and having a discussion is "the thing to do". Silly. Perhaps its a lot like Dorothy visiting Professor Marvel in the Wizard of Oz movie.

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    Afterall, they have repeatdly turned the camera with a glorious expectation: "We have economist John Cantcount here with us in the studio live." And course we were 'supposed' to believe that he and other economists were part of this Grand School of Wizards that were looking out for us and that his/her words were utterly worth listening to (otherwise why would those smart and kind people running the TV networks waste their time or ours with worthless babble?) I wouldn't blame the economist. If you need a plumber but hire a pipe artist, whose to blame?

    Things like actuarial sciences and risk management are hardly widely know about. Can we blame the Money-Cult-Controled Media Cult or the FRS/FRB when we can instead of sitting in front of the TV or the PS3 or the Wii all day can study and learn all that we need to know. Societies need systems to make them work. The Adversary hasn't been out it make it work except in his/her favor. So yes David Merrill I agree regarding the lack of merit in unbonded money and the like. The key thing is, whats to take place of the void if the FRS/FRB disappears?
    Last edited by allodial; 02-02-13 at 08:00 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #14
    Keith Alan;

    I may have gotten defensive. If my post came off that way I apologize - I don't really recall thinking that you were proposing solutions except maybe do nothing because we are getting by still.

    The money cult? (LoL!)

    I forgot to mention the other cult I attend lately - Pre-Tribulation Rapture. The Futurists. It is an apocalyptic mystery cult built around a futuristic interpretation of the Book of Revelation. They await. It is a religion of waiting as opposed to ACIM which in alignment with the Gospel of Thomas means that the kingdom of heaven is within and without - always has been.

    Obviously someone failed to tell him that, in the U.S., the U.S. dollar is unit of measurement of risk.
    To me that is what the SDR is all about. It measures how many people in five leading endorsement societies are fully confident in their local central bank institution.

    I found your posts delightful and wish that I had more time to enjoy reading around here. I tend to just skim for things that I should be responding to - almost exclusively in defense of remedy. I need to lighten up and show more confidence.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Well remember the French Republic re-allowed slavery in its colonies right before the Louisiana Purchase (thing is did the French Republic really even have a legitimate claim to the colonies anymore after the revolution?--Louisiana Purchase struck me as being a quitclaim at the most). Perhaps the Emancipation Proclamation and price-per-head money thing ties in somehow? Only thing is, what about the emancipation proclamation of the French Republic preceding that? Its interesting how the word 'dollar' sounds a lot like 'douala' (servant/slave). Might be a bit off topic. But interesting how "nobody" claims to know the definite origin of the word 'dollar' or the S with the slash through it. S + L = ??
    French Republic lost Saint Domingue (Haiti) too.
    This is the primary reason for the sale of the Louisiana Purchase to government of the United States.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I forgot to mention the other cult I attend lately - Pre-Tribulation Rapture. The Futurists. It is an apocalyptic mystery cult built around a futuristic interpretation of the Book of Revelation. They await. It is a religion of waiting as opposed to ACIM which in alignment with the Gospel of Thomas means that the kingdom of heaven is within and without - always has been.
    Yeah I tried explaining to a relative about the nowness of the kingdom--in one ear out other. Did not compute. She is waiting for 'the end' and for "the kingdom" to be established. Maybe one day she will eventually realize the truth. Maybe thanks are due to to C.I. Scofield and company for that one. I suppose that and the Money Cult and the Media Cult and the End Times Cult is found to be by at least someone highly lucrative to say the least:

    You mean a man can put on fancy clothes and tell people "Give me all of your money and your virgin daughter and all of your land and you can go to Heaven when you die people will do it? You can get paid for that!??
    What seems interesting or puzzling is how refusing to believe lies could even remotely get someone branded as a 'domestic terrorist'. Or, similarly, in one seeing zero merit in worshiping creations of men.

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    So maybe the propaganda about this mythical hen's teeth 'sovereign citizen movement' is more about damage control put on by someone or someones fear of being caught in a massive lie? Why didn't MSM mention speak of a "Sovereignty Awareness Movement" or a "Great Awakening"?

    Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
    French Republic lost Saint Domingue (Haiti) too.
    This is the primary reason for the sale of the Louisiana Purchase to government of the United States.
    I recall reading from a reputable source that banks were installed in Haiti primarily to collect taxes. Maybe that is their purpose in other places too?
    Last edited by allodial; 02-03-13 at 02:15 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  7. #17

  8. #18
    Economics has been dumbed down since the late 1800s.

    Economics is a subset of a far wider area: POLITICAL ECONOMY.

    Accounting, finance, business, economics, law, history, sociology, philosophy, political science, and others have all been split into separate groups. Unify these areas and you reach political economy.

    Political economy, itself, is a subset of the wider subject of MORAL PHILOSOPHY.
    Last edited by shikamaru; 02-03-13 at 01:35 PM.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill
    I recall reading from a reputable source that banks were installed in Haiti primarily to collect taxes. Maybe that is their purpose in other places too?
    Do you have any treatises or writings on such?
    If you do, link me . I'm always looking to add to my collection....

    Banks are creatures born from government, but so are corporations.
    Today, banks function more as reporting agents while corporations act as the modern day equivalent of the Roman publicans as well as reporting agents.

    Informants may be a better term for them both.
    Last edited by shikamaru; 02-04-13 at 08:17 PM.

  10. #20
    Full version at Google video. It's now been moved over here, so you can see the whole thing. Name:  moneybags.jpg
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    Last edited by Chex; 02-03-13 at 10:13 PM.

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