
To answer a book length copy and paste response is way above my pay grade.

But to answer one incorrect comment, out of several, I will deign to do: I am not talking about hearsay. I am demanding two or three eyewitnesses, people who state, 'I saw the Principal sign for monthly deliveries of Liquid Dispersable Lead, then I followed him to the secret dispensing unit, for the CLOSED SYSTEM, put in by plumbers (turned states evidence) who signed sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury and jail time, that they set up 100 of these systems only in inner city schools. Sworn Affidavits. Class Action Lawsuits. Criminal Arrests of Plumbers, lead suppliers, principals with a conscience (such as my Dad, a career Principal and Superintendent, who spent 40 years educating children because he loved them) turning states evidence. (I personally admit that these wildly unsubstantiated accusations, with zero court admissible evidence, but lots of what you call 'hearsay', I find rather offensive to impugn the character and decency of all the educators that I know, Administrators comprising a large number of them. However, I have been deceived before, and this may yet be another case.)

So rock on with such horrific 'evidence', neatly posting about it, but not TAKING ACTION on one blessed thing.

How you can sit calmly typing away at your computer, 'knowing' that children are being poisoned by lead, when you have all this 'evidence', is shocking. In fact, it is borderline sickening. By that I mean, in the same way it is sickening that the Germans took no action to stop the Ovens from being built, and being used. Ashes fell on their coats, and the stench of bodies burning filled the air. Jews died. No one acted. No difference here, it would appear. But I could have this all wrong, I miss things often, and make people mad, and have to go and apologize for sticking my foot in my mouth. This is probably one of those times I am acting badly yet again!

Perhaps it is just me and my overactive desire for Justice, but if I 'knew/had court admissible evidence' to 'prove' children were being poisoned, and I never filed a single lawsuit, never called a single prosecutor, never tried to get a class action lawsuit filed, NOT ONE ACTION? Well, I just wouldn't be able to live with my calloused conscience, and my intellectual smug conceit, while letting children die or be dumbed down for years. But hey, that's just me! Some people can live with such guilty knowledge lodged deep within their breast, and sleep well at night.

But I would not be able to, because one day I will stand before Almighty God, and he would say to me, "CommonLawWarrior, I gave you all of this Court Admissible Evidence, so you could take down one of the most criminal, heinous, racist, elitist crimes against humanity in American history. Now could you please explain to me why, instead of taking Action, you spent your time posting about it on Saving to Suitors Club?' So, I'm never gonna have that conversation with God, if I can help it. How about you?

"Hello, Damage Control here. State the nature of your emergency..."

But I'll tell you what you do with all your powerful evidence. You contact 100 class action specialization law firms, and get them to sign on with all this 'court admissible evidence', and you will be a rich man in about 5 years!

Cheers, all the best, no malice intended, hope this does not get me kicked off of StSC already. Not my intention to pick a fight. But I will finish one.