Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
Regarding fiduciary relationships and DLs. One thing is..if they cant go after John Henry Doe for DOE JOHN H #X02994, they might send a warrant after the license entity...or suspend the license or something. Point is ... the fiduciary is the key. In one case, I appointed a State big-wig as a fiduciary. For some reason, the renewal fees went away. But the 'court case' stayed around for ...some reason: the Courts are likely run under a different 'department' than the Revenue. Resolving the fiduciary issue can be very important. If its their CHILD, then appoint them fiduciary. Perhaps if you don't want to babysit anymore, appoint a babysitter? Seems they dont like CHILD abandonment too much. Point: if you really really pay attention you'll see that:

John Henry Doe and DOE JOHN H ain't the same person.

If you dont pay attention to detail...well dont expect them to feel sorry for you.

P.S. Dont forget the connection between a driver license, State revenue streams and international treaties.
OK, I'm tired of babysitting. Do you know of a good babysitter? Can you give me contact info?
How much does the babysitter charge?
And what is the connection between a DL, State revenue streams and international treaties exactly?

Thank you allodial.