Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
In my opinion, an assignment (acknowledgement of what is already true) of ALL interest in the NAME (FIRST MIDDLE LAST) to and for the account of the United States pursuant to Title 12 U.S.C. §95a (2) must be recorded in a lawful court of record and sent as notice to the U.S Treasury in order to dispel ANY and ALL presumptions of false and adverse claims in the NAME by those using it in the public realm. This "assignment" means the United States not only profits and gains from each instance of use, but also incurs ALL liability as well.
Just wondering if the reference to 12 USC §95a is incorrect. I looked up this section on the Cornell site, and it does not state what is in the quote provided. "12 USC § 95 - Emergency limitations and restrictions on business of members of Federal Reserve System; designation of legal holiday for national banking associations; exceptions; “State” defined"