Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
Simple iron nails might expand or contract in actual size depending on the weather. But the expansion or contraction is 'universal' effecting 'everyone'. Thus you can have universal 'micro-elasticity' and it would be just. Gold might be worth more one day than another, but again its a 'universal' kind of flexibility or elasticity to the extent that the change is 'just' or, rather, 'equitable'.

I have found it best to avoid making presumptions about the trustees. Perhaps they have a gun to their head? Perhaps they are sworn to do nothing unless the heir shows competence. As in perhaps they have a very strict rule for what evidences competence. If the heir hasn't done his homework, they might construe the heir to be sleep/dead/incompetent/insane/'not quite ready'. Alternatively, perhaps the typical office holder is totally clueless. If Father told the heir about system works, why is the heir begging the trustee to teach him? Father can hire 1,000,000 men to repair or maintain different aspects of the Great Machine but you know, the servants might just expect the heir to know more than they do.

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Perhaps 'stealing candy from a baby' is code for 'robbing the incompetent heir'?
Have you shown competence to a knowledgeable and willing trustee who, in turn, performed as is required?