Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
Dude, if your stuff is so good why not share it here?

I know why, you want to profit and capture the email addys. That's all.

See, it's a natural step in the progression of enlightenment, you still want to profit from what you think and believe is a solution. There is nothing wrong with charging for your service or product, but you still have the opportunistic mindset that those running the system believe is how things should work. In other words, you thrive in selling fear, inculcating greed, and teaching dichotomous thinking.
Gavilan, I don't know what this poster Man on the Land has in mind, but I will only add that when we received a 15k frivolous filing notice it took about two phone calls and two letters and then crickets. In fact if there so called claim was valid then they would lien all income streams - but it is not and as such, full with holdings were received. In fact the State because of the delay in issue of withholdings did so with interest paid for their use of those funds. I presented the matter to the agent that I thought they had made a computer mistake and that perhaps we should all have a sit down conversation to resolve the matter. I asked if the conversation was being recorded and that, if it was to be recorded, to be sure to send it to their lawyers for review. I comprehend that the clerks [wives] can do very little as these obey their "husband" [employer].

Nevertheless, here's the thing about selling. I have found that in experience I used to go out and give long presentations for free to hundreds, even in some cases thousands. Guess what? Since it was free in the minds of the listener there was no value. So what I decided to do was charge a pittance of what others are charging and the result was incredible. Because the buyer had to give Self permission to purchase, the Self has the desire to "get its money's worth". Thusly the student scours the presentation over and over again. And now what used to be in the realm of thought can manifest into the world of action.

For to know the Will is one thing but to do the Will is another. Ultimately once one is taught, he is no longer in need of a teacher. And one may teach another. As always, it is the root of the action that must be analyzed - which is to say - what is my core belief which feeds the tree of thought that led to my taking action. If it is greed, well then it is clear to the observer and the greedy one judges himself. If it is service, it will manifest and the public will reflect upon the server. If it is fear, then the fear reflects upon the many waters and the maker of fear is his own husband.

I have found my greatest happiness is serving others. What a crazy journey life is - but I have also found that my greatest joy is when I become upset. For I am "set up" to resolve a matter within me that has a core root that needs be changed. With all things there is motive which drive the thought into action. Is it fear, greed or love?

Like Stevie Nicks sang "Can the child within my heart rise above?"....

I can only say that I have experienced this frivolous filing stuff now twice and both times, actually three times - and in all circumstances the claim was defeated. So experience throws out the strong man of fear and doubt.

If a police officer pulls one over and places drugs in the car of the pulled over driver, then can we examine law in the face of inequality? There is something yet to be learned within those who are "setup" - but most times they just get "upset". I speak now for myself only and know this is true for all.

May the Light of Christ shine within you!