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  • yes, you are an abscounding debtor and have no immunity against the state as a trustee/

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Thread: Why saving to suitors is an asine methodology

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  1. #1
    Are you the "grantor" or beneficiary of the Trust? No. Under Grantor-Grantee Law....take a wild guess as to who is in control. And, since it is "their Posterity" that are the trustees....if you screw with "their best interest"; then you are a bad trustee/grantee and considered by the Grantor and Beneficiaries to be an absconding debtor...and the Grantor will un-Grant your Granted Civil Rights and toss you in for being a bad Trustee/Cow/Slave.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MYSTICONE View Post
    Are you the "grantor" or beneficiary of the Trust? No. Under Grantor-Grantee Law....take a wild guess as to who is in control. And, since it is "their Posterity" that are the trustees....if you screw with "their best interest"; then you are a bad trustee/grantee and considered by the Grantor and Beneficiaries to be an absconding debtor...and the Grantor will un-Grant your Granted Civil Rights and toss you in for being a bad Trustee/Cow/Slave.
    Comes now Michael Joseph a regenerate man speaking for his estate in the office of Trustee - upon the dominions of Michael Joseph, as Trustee per Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 the original trust agreement; and, recognizing the foreign State, United States as a concurrent jurisdiction and separate overlay upon the land - created and belonging to Yehovah - "go forth and take dominion" and placed into Trust - Yehovah Saves - in Yehoshuah the head of the Commonwealth of Yisra'el - Election of Yehovah - the body Elect - Trustees speaking for the Original Estate - in accord with Laws of Nations, but absent binding; and,

    Whereas, I michael joseph, am absent status of Trustee for the United States and/or its persons (artificial or otherwise); and,

    Whereas, I michael joseph, am absent status of beneficiary of the United States and/or its persons (artificial or otherwise); and,

    the States being held as Dependents of the United States - a sort of International Sovereign to the States; wherein the States being Domestic Sovereigns according to their surveys and boundaries - wherein; said States agreed to the Compact in silence as clearly recognized at Padelford AND the 1st Judiciary Act as the United States tells said States what they can and will do; and said Persons under the shadow of the United States being subject to the :1) Laws of the United States 2) International Treaties and 3)Constitution made by the United States for the United States of America; and,

    Whereas, I michael joseph wishing to exercise my right of self determination as codified in the Holy Scriptures AND Laws of Nations form a union with my family; whereupon I exercise rights of Trustee as High Priest and Husbandman in Yisra'el; a member of the Body acting in the Name of Yehoshuah my Sovereign; speaking with the Power [Dynamite] of the Word of Yehovah - Who shall lay any charge upon Yehovah's Elect?; it is Yehovah the justifieth; and, recognizing the trust relationships that exist today in Cestui Que Vie Trust; held in Trust by Military as Trustee AND Civil Government as Trustee in one man - President and Commander in Chief; not wishing to Trespass and sin upon those offices I remain without by CHOICE; a man seeking peace - foraging in the field performing husbandry for my family - speaking in the Name of Yehoshuah ben Yehovah, I remain the loyal servant of my Sovereign.


    According to the United States - that trust is a Testamentary Trust as the Grantors are all dead. The original Settlors [the true Sovereigns] are all dead but the Posterity [and Ourselves] are for whom that trust was made; and, as such, I will not Trespass their Survey.

    1. Survey
    2. Claim of Use - based on Survey
    3. Put Claim of Use into Trust as Trust Corpus = Trust Property; wherein Property = Right of Use
    4. Split the Use - Legal manages the Use; Equitable has the Right of Use

    But I am Not Trustee or Beneficiary. Now let us go to Charge. Whoever issues a charge must discharge the charge upon His own estate. Laws of Contracts. Who holds the Estate in Trust? - Trustee! Can a Trustee be beneficiary at same time? Absolutely, if there are other beneficiaries at the same time. Therefore Officer is Trustee and Officer issued the Charge based on his Dominions - HIS SURVEY.

    Now, therefore the Earth belongs to Yehovah and all that is in it. Man surveys the Earth and places certain Uses into Trust, based on Said Survey, to Control. The TRUST PROPERTY is the USE. Who has the Right of Use? Well that depends on what Survey you are upon?


    Now the question remains - how will we keep the peace? By Agreement! Laws of Nations seems like a good agreement. Moral Person only takes two - Husband and Wife. The Two become ONE.

    One says, but you use our Intangible Money; you use the gas provided by our Corporations - Blah, blah, blah....what you now make a claim on God?

    Comes now Michael Joseph, as Priest speaking in the Name of Yehoshauh my Savior in whom I trust; absent intent to trespass but to live in peace, if possible, with my neighbor; respecting other venues and jurisdictions but living according to the law of necessity - absent claim upon any Legal Name or Cestui Que Trust within another venue, jurisdiction, overlay or district; and, with full faith and full liability assumed before Yehovah my Elohiym.

    What you gonna put you Intangible Money on Me? You gonna now trespass my Estate? Let Yehovah judge this day between me and thee. For Dan-i-el - Yehovah is my Judge.

    What shall we do about this? Shall I go and register my Trust at the UN and beg for their justification and recognition? Shall I create my own Intangible Property based on my own Survey [dominion] and await a Soul to "sign up" for benefits handed down by King Michael Joseph?

    Believe me I have in me the power in words and knowledge to Settle such a Trust [new State] and I could noticed the OAS and the UN and international banking and then according to established Law [who settled that Law], I could follow the protocols and await the six months so that other States might have a chance to review and comment on my Survey and Claim; perhaps they remain silent and I get agreement or perhaps not.

    The CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST [w/ssn] has been made available for one to come aboard and dock to the STATE. TRUST and TRUST. The framers knowing not to commit Adultery; yet man[kind] today is dumb as a box of rocks doing it every day -" that ain't me". Open thou mouth o' fool - and argue against the Trustee - Trustee de son Tort is a sin most times not forgiven.

    Yehovah = Settlor of the express Trust - Word of Yehovah
    Yehoshuah = Trustee = manifestation of the Word of Yehovah in Flesh
    Elect/Priest = Trustee
    Yisra'el = Trustee
    Commonweath of Yisra'el = Body [State if you like] - in accord with Laws of Nations - a Moral Person
    Survey and Claim : Gen 1 and Gen 2
    Trust Bylaws = Books of Moses and Prophets

    Will you be as Eve and argue and give up your dominion? Or will you be as Yehoshuah and quote your Standing back to the Adversary? - Mat 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

    Comes now Michael Joseph of the Nomen family speaking for his family and estate, a regenerate man in the faith of Yehoshua H’Mashiach and making a special visitation by absolute ministerial right making a special appearance in the Name of my Sovereign Yehoshauh:

    Now, we can match like up to like: Trustee to Trustee - State to State;

    Just as Yehovah expressed all into Yehoshuah; and Yehoshuah became all in all; Pharaoh expressed all into Joseph, as Trustee to run his kingdom; giving Joseph the king's Seal and announcing Joseph before the people - 'this is my Son in whom I am well pleased'.

    What you think the kingdom of Yehovah is Spiritual ONLY? It is a way of life. It is the essence of life. And I for one am pleased to pick up the Trust - I believe I never dropped it - expressed in a former age - before the foundation of this Age - Who will go for us, was the call - Here am I, send me - was the response.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 04-22-11 at 09:46 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  3. #3
    IT has a basis in International Law via having the Right via Treaty
    YOU are not International..YOU are citizens.
    You are a citizen....THEIR CITIZEN....and until you "come out" of that condition; then you are their Agreed to in International Law
    it is not their fault that your mom and/or dad didn't teach you the "laws of the land" or the "rules of the game" or whatever.
    the 72 hours is under "THEIR" regulation Z
    it is their law....they hold it by copyright
    and they will either let you use it or revoke your priviledge to use it....based on whatever they decide is best when someone violates THEIR Copyright without Standing and without Agreement....and/or without "THEIR" license to practice with their copyrights

    I have Immunity by are still a slave by agreement
    I came out
    I went to "the source"
    I got the peace agreement
    I know the International Law, the National Law and the Common Law

    the Law of Nations is NATURAL LAW

    You don't even own your contract rights
    the United States owns you and therefore your right to contract is at the "good will and pleasure of your Master"
    You are a subject citizen debtor slave


    if you want sovereign/diplomatic immunity, form your own NATION STATE,

  4. #4
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MYSTICONE View Post
    IT has a basis in International Law via having the Right via Treaty
    YOU are not International..YOU are citizens.
    You are a citizen....THEIR CITIZEN....and until you "come out" of that condition; then you are their Agreed to in International Law
    it is not their fault that your mom and/or dad didn't teach you the "laws of the land" or the "rules of the game" or whatever.
    the 72 hours is under "THEIR" regulation Z
    it is their law....they hold it by copyright
    and they will either let you use it or revoke your priviledge to use it....based on whatever they decide is best when someone violates THEIR Copyright without Standing and without Agreement....and/or without "THEIR" license to practice with their copyrights

    I have Immunity by are still a slave by agreement
    I came out
    I went to "the source"
    I got the peace agreement
    I know the International Law, the National Law and the Common Law

    the Law of Nations is NATURAL LAW

    You don't even own your contract rights
    the United States owns you and therefore your right to contract is at the "good will and pleasure of your Master"
    You are a subject citizen debtor slave


    if you want sovereign/diplomatic immunity, form your own NATION STATE,
    MYSTICONE your presentments express similar ideas expressed by the man David Parker

    your presentment is "framed" within a context of one enjoining or engaging a particular Trust/State. I have found in my life that there are only two trusts - trust in God or trust in man. Therefore when man raises up to oppress other men - I raise up with Power and Faith quoting the Word of Yehovah - and I can tell you that without exception - I have been met with smiles and looks on faces - please don't come in here with that.

    What you want me to ACT for their creation? The Trustee ONLY has that Power. So I am neither trustee or beneficiary and I am without said trust - noticing the Military to call off the dogs - and you would place me within a particular venue and jurisdiction or district? I think NOT. Will you trespass me now? I promise I shall convene a court and my Sovereign will not let it slide.

    Yet, I can see your point. The problem inherently is CHOICE. Because some men choose to not beleive in God - as Pharaoh said "I know not your God." So how to keep the peace? One says by International Agreement. But that presupposes Classes of Peoples. Controllers and the Controlled.

    Then I heard another man say but Knowledge will always Rule Ignorance - that is True too. Thus the Scripture "study to show THYSELF approved."

    I have the faith to tell that nation [mountain] to cast itself into the Admiralty [sea]. I notice that when Satan tempted Yehoshuah, he could only offer the kingdoms of the Earth - Heaven is not his domain - and Yehoshuah overtook dominion and established again the rightful Kingdom of God on Earth as in Heaven.

    I have read the charters, I know all about them. I have also read fully the Laws of Nations. And I know it only takes TWO to form a moral person.

    I can guarantee you that I would NEVER complain to any State regarding my Rights. For my Rights are NOT held in Trust within some State! The only thing the State can see is its Persons - therefore no man has standing because HE IS NOT TRUSTEE.

    Lets look at that Saving to Suitors clause carefully - Suitors Court a Maiden - She will not make herself available to one of lower estate - She wants one of equal Standing. Trustee or Settlor. And look at those footnotes - that ole boy claimed he was Ambassador to the King of Saxony - and he claimed UNDER the laws of the United States. So while he cannot waive immunity in the FRAMING of STATE, he claimed UNDER a foreign Flag/State - and therefore the United States had Jurisdiction.

    My immunity is also by agreement - and I am also a slave by agreement - both given by my Sovereign.

    For the Reader that is having trouble - MYSTICONE is indeed correct in regard to established International Protocols concerning Trust Formations and International Law. MYSTICONE frames his presentments within these constructs and indeed if you will read and study Trust Law you will be head and shoulders above your peers - see Scripture for that required reading.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 04-22-11 at 11:44 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    The RIGHT of Self Determination - granted within what frame? Any one familiar with NLP is familiar with framing a reference. Therefore, that Right is equivalent to Property. And Property is a Right of Use. Therefore Right implies a Trust. Therefore, one must ask who settled this word of art termed "The Right of Self Determination". This term is magick.

    And if one were to Claim said Right [Property] is that one Benefiting from the Use of a Law? or Bylaw? Whose Trust was that Law settled? In other words who is the higher power? If we are talking about man's law then there must be a singularity a beginning. And the question begging to be answered is Who was the Creator? Or said another way, who first performed the first Trust Deed? Was it the Pope in 1302 - Unam Sanctum?

    If the Pope in 1302 forms the basis of Trust law with the Trust Deed of Unam Sanctum, if I claim the "Right of Self Determination" do I come under the Popes Shadow?

    Yet, my Scripture and my heart tells me there seems to be two trusts here. One in the Creator God - the Self Existing One - YHVH and man's creation. My heart tells me that to trust in man is to be cursed. To trust in God is to be blessed. Yet, societies form for the good of man and man enters into business relationships. How to do so is based on agreements. And effectively Trust. Therefore, will one be competent and Stand in and for his estate - Trustee; on behalf of his Posterity? In peace absent trespass beside or abutting or adjacent to other concurrent jurisdictions and venues?

    Yet prior to Self Determination one must be able to effectively identify the Self, yes? Please with specificity identify the self? In reality it cannot be done. Therefore Trusts are created and sub-trusts are created and it is the sub-trust that is identified because it is absolutely Impossible to identify a living soul. The Self - the true me - with my Intellect [spirit] intact - is impossible to identify.

    You say, absurdity, yes? Then please tell me how you will identify the Flesh? Everything about the Flesh can be manipulated. And if you consider the Thought process even that too can be erased. So now, I await the one who will step forward and solve the argument that has been the "CONTEMPT OF GENERATIONS" - how to identify the Self. Because before the Right of "Self" Determination can be Claimed one must be able to determine the identity of the Self.

    Remember Right is equivalent to Property and Property goes to Trust and Trust goes to Uses and the Uses are Split into two titles in the Trust. And Property has nothing to do with the Form of Matter or Form of Thought. Property goes to Right of Use of the Form of Matter and Form of Thought.

    If a living soul should DECIDE to lower himself [masculine = femine for the purposes of this writing] into a lower estate by claiming UNDER a deficient status or estate, then that is the self realization or aware choice that has been made. But to be fully with the cognizance of choice one with the awareness would be sure to know the obligations of his choice, yes?

    Is it the duty of an other man to make another aware? I say emphatically No. If one chooses to be ignorant, then let him be ignorant. Let him complain and writhe in the mire. When he stops complaining and pointing outward, then perhaps he can be helped to look inward to resolve his issues. Until then, let him eat the food with the hogs. Yet, if he will return to the Father's house he will be received with great joy.

    If one with the aware condition decides to enjoin or engage a lower condition, then, yes, that one should be with the cognizance of the higher powers of that condition. This conversation of course goes to man wants a leader that he can see. A leader that will go before him and fight his battles for him and do all of the dirty repugnant work for him. That way man will be with a clean conscious and the dirty work is left to mans representative.

    Man wants his delicious chicken sandwich, yet he does not want to engage his mind to realize the manner in which that sandwich is made ready for his consumption - to see the chicken farms where they are bred by the hundreds of thousands in horrific conditions - is not expedient to enjoying the delicious sandwich. Therefore, we shall leave that task to our representative, yes? So that we with the choice can enjoy the byproduct of our intention - the delicious sandwich - and our conscious remains clear. Is that being aware?

    Yet, this model is impossible in a society because the so called representative comes "out of" the Society to lead a repugnant ignorant public. Therefore the representative lies to the Public feeding back to the Public the impossibility of solving all of their problems. An irrational game, yet the public has been controlled for a little over a Century with Irrational Thought patterns. Feed the Self whatever it wants is the irrational thought of this day - it promotes peace. What then when the candy store runs out of candy?

    Aware of what? My being? Do my thoughts ripple thru your mind like the waves on a pond caused by a singular pebble dropped within it? No, then don't respond. Yes, then engage and prove my point. We are ALL aware and we all are like little pebbles being dropped into a pond and our actions are as the waves and those waves "interact" with each other to change the pre-existing condition.

    So what then of choice? Choice framed when and where? Of course you and I are both aware beings. With the Choice to decide - how will we shape our destinies. We shape our destinies by our singular choice. Our Choice to do or not to do a thing impacts others.

    I choose, therefore I am aware. I choose, therefore I am with the responsibility and obligation.

    I reject the notion that the frame is conditional to ones awareness. Is a 16 year old aware of the ramifications of endorsing the Federal Reserve System? Yet he chooses to work and get a paycheck and have a banking account and endorse the Federal Reserve System and thusly he is with the Responsibility and the Obligation of that Choice - even though said choice was made in ignorance. The boy Acted and implied his trust. The boy is aware that he is getting some increase; yet, he is unaware of the nature of the trust he has enjoined.

    We are informed that the Kingdom of Heaven is within and without. I change myself by my choice and I impact others by my change. Self awareness of the realization that I indeed need to change. Where said change is realized within the construct of my conscious thought.

    I now await all of the gainsayers to report back to me according to Plato, I am asleep. I await your proof. Yet please undergird my position and respond to this open door. I'm waiting....

    I do not think we can discuss the Self without going to Philosophy. And inevitably we are going to end up at Origins. What is the Self and who Created it? Those questions beg for something greater than Us and someone that is without us; yet, perhaps that one, is also within us. Or said another way dwells with us in our Intellect - Spirit. The Self being the True me - Nephesh as the Hebrews say [crossing over].

    Yet the Self also goes to Identity. And Identity goes to construct. Identity where and per whose terms. Shall I use a name to identify my Self? That name is an operation of mathematics / law = model - that lowers my True Self - Soul. If I use a name to "help" me with relationships, then my name is amongst other names. Is not a name a claim? Of course it is. Yet, we live in Society so we need a way of dealing with each other and names seem to be a practical solution. Yet see that a name is a persona and as such a means to belittle man - a mask. I heard a clerk say more than once - "Can I have your name, Sir?" Will I grant an agency over my Self to another?

    Then I heard another speak of a Legal Name. Is that the Self? Or is this just a choice to further degrade the Self? Legal to what construct? Legal goes to Trust. So then who holds the titles in and for that Legal Name?

    Now man has lowered his Self with a name and now there is a further Choice to use a Legal Name. The Self is without the naming convention - the name is just a label to belittle - the Self is Supreme and Divine. All Souls are Mine sayeth YHVH. Yet if the choice is made to belittle one's self, then the idea of diversity comes into play. All souls belong to YHVH as Creator - then vested in Yehoshua, as Trustee - we as Owners - owners of what - Owner goes to who has the Right of Use - we do with Choice. Yet, if the Creator decides to Act against his creation - He hardened Pharoah's heart - The Creator is with that Ability as Creator.

    Diversity goes to Construct. Diversity from what?

    Exploring the so called Right of Self Determination.....Who granted that Right? Was it a man or are man's conventions just reflecting the greater light. Sort of like the moon reflects the light of the sun - said another way - are man's writings just reflecting the idea that the Right of Self Determination is a grant from the Creator we are with Choice to choose ye this day. Life or Death - Jeremiah 17:5 or 17:7.

    Therefore man is without the ability to grant Divine Rights, yet man can recognize that those Rights = Property = Ability to Use exist. As such, do I require a Society to recognize my path? Yes and No.

    The question remains, what are your express intentions and how will you live at peace with your neighbor absent trespass? Mistakes happen; yet, will you express your willingness to come to the table with Standing to show your Responsibility and Accountability?

    I heard one say - nonsense. Why must I be compelled to do such a thing? Do you live alone on an island? Or do you interact with others daily? I'll wager the latter. Now the question only remains how will you express this Self Determination? And tell me how do you plan on identifying your Self?
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member motla68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Comes now Michael Joseph a regenerate man speaking for his estate in the office of Trustee - upon the dominions of Michael Joseph, as Trustee per Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 the original trust agreement; and, recognizing the foreign State, United States as a concurrent jurisdiction and separate overlay upon the land - created and belonging to Yehovah - "go forth and take dominion" and placed into Trust - Yehovah Saves - in Yehoshuah the head of the Commonwealth of Yisra'el - Election of Yehovah - the body Elect - Trustees speaking for the Original Estate - in accord with Laws of Nations, but absent binding; and,

    Whereas, I michael joseph, am absent status of Trustee for the United States and/or its persons (artificial or otherwise); and,

    Whereas, I michael joseph, am absent status of beneficiary of the United States and/or its persons (artificial or otherwise); and,

    the States being held as Dependents of the United States - a sort of International Sovereign to the States; wherein the States being Domestic Sovereigns according to their surveys and boundaries - wherein; said States agreed to the Compact in silence as clearly recognized at Padelford AND the 1st Judiciary Act as the United States tells said States what they can and will do; and said Persons under the shadow of the United States being subject to the :1) Laws of the United States 2) International Treaties and 3)Constitution made by the United States for the United States of America; and,

    Whereas, I michael joseph wishing to exercise my right of self determination as codified in the Holy Scriptures AND Laws of Nations form a union with my family; whereupon I exercise rights of Trustee as High Priest and Husbandman in Yisra'el; a member of the Body acting in the Name of Yehoshuah my Sovereign; speaking with the Power [Dynamite] of the Word of Yehovah - Who shall lay any charge upon Yehovah's Elect?; it is Yehovah the justifieth; and, recognizing the trust relationships that exist today in Cestui Que Vie Trust; held in Trust by Military as Trustee AND Civil Government as Trustee in one man - President and Commander in Chief; not wishing to Trespass and sin upon those offices I remain without by CHOICE; a man seeking peace - foraging in the field performing husbandry for my family - speaking in the Name of Yehoshuah ben Yehovah, I remain the loyal servant of my Sovereign.


    According to the United States - that trust is a Testamentary Trust as the Grantors are all dead. The original Settlors [the true Sovereigns] are all dead but the Posterity [and Ourselves] are for whom that trust was made; and, as such, I will not Trespass their Survey.

    1. Survey
    2. Claim of Use - based on Survey
    3. Put Claim of Use into Trust as Trust Corpus = Trust Property; wherein Property = Right of Use
    4. Split the Use - Legal manages the Use; Equitable has the Right of Use

    But I am Not Trustee or Beneficiary. Now let us go to Charge. Whoever issues a charge must discharge the charge upon His own estate. Laws of Contracts. Who holds the Estate in Trust? - Trustee! Can a Trustee be beneficiary at same time? Absolutely, if there are other beneficiaries at the same time. Therefore Officer is Trustee and Officer issued the Charge based on his Dominions - HIS SURVEY.

    Now, therefore the Earth belongs to Yehovah and all that is in it. Man surveys the Earth and places certain Uses into Trust, based on Said Survey, to Control. The TRUST PROPERTY is the USE. Who has the Right of Use? Well that depends on what Survey you are upon?


    Now the question remains - how will we keep the peace? By Agreement! Laws of Nations seems like a good agreement. Moral Person only takes two - Husband and Wife. The Two become ONE.

    One says, but you use our Intangible Money; you use the gas provided by our Corporations - Blah, blah, blah....what you now make a claim on God?

    Comes now Michael Joseph, as Priest speaking in the Name of Yehoshauh my Savior in whom I trust; absent intent to trespass but to live in peace, if possible, with my neighbor; respecting other venues and jurisdictions but living according to the law of necessity - absent claim upon any Legal Name or Cestui Que Trust within another venue, jurisdiction, overlay or district; and, with full faith and full liability assumed before Yehovah my Elohiym.

    What you gonna put you Intangible Money on Me? You gonna now trespass my Estate? Let Yehovah judge this day between me and thee. For Dan-i-el - Yehovah is my Judge.

    What shall we do about this? Shall I go and register my Trust at the UN and beg for their justification and recognition? Shall I create my own Intangible Property based on my own Survey [dominion] and await a Soul to "sign up" for benefits handed down by King Michael Joseph?

    Believe me I have in me the power in words and knowledge to Settle such a Trust [new State] and I could noticed the OAS and the UN and international banking and then according to established Law [who settled that Law], I could follow the protocols and await the six months so that other States might have a chance to review and comment on my Survey and Claim; perhaps they remain silent and I get agreement or perhaps not.

    The CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST [w/ssn] has been made available for one to come aboard and dock to the STATE. TRUST and TRUST. The framers knowing not to commit Adultery; yet man[kind] today is dumb as a box of rocks doing it every day -" that ain't me". Open thou mouth o' fool - and argue against the Trustee - Trustee de son Tort is a sin most times not forgiven.

    Yehovah = Settlor of the express Trust - Word of Yehovah
    Yehoshuah = Trustee = manifestation of the Word of Yehovah in Flesh
    Elect/Priest = Trustee
    Yisra'el = Trustee
    Commonweath of Yisra'el = Body [State if you like] - in accord with Laws of Nations - a Moral Person
    Survey and Claim : Gen 1 and Gen 2
    Trust Bylaws = Books of Moses and Prophets

    Will you be as Eve and argue and give up your dominion? Or will you be as Yehoshuah and quote your Standing back to the Adversary? - Mat 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

    Comes now Michael Joseph of the Nomen family speaking for his family and estate, a regenerate man in the faith of Yehoshua H’Mashiach and making a special visitation by absolute ministerial right making a special appearance in the Name of my Sovereign Yehoshauh:

    Now, we can match like up to like: Trustee to Trustee - State to State;

    Just as Yehovah expressed all into Yehoshuah; and Yehoshuah became all in all; Pharaoh expressed all into Joseph, as Trustee to run his kingdom; giving Joseph the king's Seal and announcing Joseph before the people - 'this is my Son in whom I am well pleased'.

    What you think the kingdom of Yehovah is Spiritual ONLY? It is a way of life. It is the essence of life. And I for one am pleased to pick up the Trust - I believe I never dropped it - expressed in a former age - before the foundation of this Age - Who will go for us, was the call - Here am I, send me - was the response.
    Good post, I like it.

    Hosea 4:6 " because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. "

    Rom 13:14
    But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

    But what about Providence, how does that play into your post or not?

    Interestingly though I only find Providence once and that is in Acts 24:2, also concordance for speech says: feminine noun. This seems similar to mother earth / statute of liberty, call it her in their pledges e.t.c.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
    Good post, I like it.

    Hosea 4:6 " because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. "

    Rom 13:14
    But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

    But what about Providence, how does that play into your post or not?

    Interestingly though I only find Providence once and that is in Acts 24:2, also concordance for speech says: feminine noun. This seems similar to mother earth / statute of liberty, call it her in their pledges e.t.c.
    Providence is where Yehovah established the Throne of David and said it is an Eternal Kingdom. Regarding your mother earth and statues - I can go to Mystery Babylon but I choose not to.

    MYSTICONE makes a good point. And in fact his points are shown time and again in the movies - remember the one who was shot in the head for denying the Codex - Pirates of the Carribean.

    Cain has been building the city for a long time now. Look at the roots of his name they are interesting. Trafficker. A constitution is for only one goal - Traffick.

    Yehovah gave his people a national identity in Him. See Acts 17:28. When you talk TRUST LAW there is always a "higher power".

    Man's survey, then Claim, then Use, then Split Title - manage/Use and Right of Use - lead one back to Man - who Created Man?

    But Man will say - but since Yisra'el is in BREACH OF TRUST - remember what they said at 1st Sam 8: "we want a man king" - that Yehovah's GRANTED the Deed - in Saul. The Divine Right of Kings. I can tell you Reader there are some who will NEVER drop the Trust of Yehovah - Election. Not in this Age, the Former Age or the Age to Come.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  8. #8
    The US a fiction cannot create itself. Only a flesh and blood man can create a fiction.

    The creation cannot be greater than its creator.

    You are also the the liable party. In that we are responsible for all government debt.

    Hence we are the grantors/beneficiaries and the government servants are the trustees and are bound by the rules of the trust.

    As grantors/beneficiaries and administrators we are not bound by the laws of the trust and also dictate policy which the trustees must carry out.

    We have been mislead into believing we are the trustees......

    He who put in the equity makes the rules. with full libility. fB

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