Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
I can appreciate that. Thing is I cannot approve you, nor you me.

Plus one thing about me is that I cannot receive what I am not prepared to receive. Study to show Thyself approved.

I add that I now see the BC or COLB is not some kind of money it is a Trust Receipt. Yet i am not trustee or beneficiary; and yet my signature is required for the State Trustees to be about their business.

to the gainsayer answer me this: What is money within a Trust? Then, answer me this, is money intangible property? I ask in Rhetorical style. Money is Property of the State!

What you now gonna usurp the trustees on the Notes? Great then pay the bills.
Lets investigate that Trust Receipt a little further though for the benefit of all in this forum.

- A holder of a receipt is usually known as the owner, but owner of what?

- A receipt is also known as a security, but what is it securing?

- The FRNS say on them " Faith and Credit for all debts Public and Private, The authenticated Certificate of Live Birth has the same kind of language:
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Could this possibly just mean that this is the acknowledgement that a man born on such a date is one of the owners of the estate ( gift given from God - the earth ) and all charges are to be setoff with a security held in trust, and such trust receipt is proof of where said trust is setup at?
The Gutenburg deposited into trust via incun, is also acknowledgement of this gift given to man.

What does your insight tell you about this?