I believe you are exactly correct. Entering the new baby on the state registry is abandoning claim. Keeping that claim while going to the hospital at all though, may be bad for the family's future.

Michael Joseph has been introducing us to a new line of thought. Redeeming lawful money is the remedy written for elastic currency only.

On earth as in heaven...

With the state insisting on being trustee, one might trust in Paul's formation of the Roman Welfare State (spending his last years in protective custody and in Rome on the taxpayer's dole). What I mean is that we become conduits between - the Bride if you run to the Blood Sacrifices and relate your identity to Israel - or just being in that relationship of being in the world but not of it. You become the conduit between heaven and earth.

You submit the baby into the state's entitlement but maintain the beneficial use of the baby. If the trustee is doing its job, then this is for the baby's good. If not, then you move into the position of trustee (resulting trust).

One thing for sure though; if you have the beneficial use of the baby 24/7 you have 18 years or so to teach him or her about this trust relationship and prepare the child for responsible parenting too.


David Merrill.