Quote Originally Posted by mikecz View Post
Ok, I found this site through DailyPaul and am beginning the process. By the way, this is incredibly exciting. (I have also posted the questions on DailyPaul, but haven't heard a reply, so here goes...)

1. If "in elastic" currency, us bank notes, is fixed at 300 million, what happens if/when there are enough suitors demanding their lawful money to exceed that number?

2. I receive personal checks/money orders etc in the line of business I am in, can these be redeemed with lawful money?

3. Can I write a check demanding the pay or redemption of said check be paid or disbursed in lawful money?

4. Now, I've heard it both ways... since Federal Reserve notes have a prior lien on them, people stamp all their cashed paychecks this way, and don't have to pay income tax because they aren't receiving real money. I've heard it the other way, people claim to be paid the demand that payment in lawful money, which cannot be withheld or used as payment for interest on the national debt, so therefore don't have to pay the IRS.
Question #1 is interesting. My theory is, when demand is made, US notes are created by operation of law. The one making the demand invokes the remedy, and Treasury issues the currency, albeit indirectly. Just a thought. I'm sure others have better thoughts on that.