Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
I find a lot of people talking about theory and very few who actually do what they talk about. Therefore I find many "with child and giving suck". A king knows he has full liability for his words therefore he is careful about his issue. If I have written anything it means I have incorporated that philosophy and begun to make its use.

I suppose I grow tired of those who speak boldly only to be shown incompetent without standing. There are no short cuts. The path is hard. Those are the facts. Those who do not declare themselves have no standing.

Looking around I see many different governments on the land. In fact over 128 as early as 1960's. I maintain compliance and not rebellion. If you are a resident then obey the laws. If you are a citizen then obey the laws. Each must decide for himself. That is the beauty if choice.

My opinion is that most times men are too lax with their words. And the sheep that follow such men will end up in the ditch as well. Putting my king hat in I see a valley of dry bones. But the programmed masses respond with just give me the five minute answer. Now that's gonna be a problem when the wise know they have more than ten thousand hours of study and they are just beginning to catch a glimpse.

My opinion again is that no man should trust another man. Always and I mean always go and check out any man. Never blindly accept any presentation. We sail our own boats and therefore I determine my own future.

When David Merrill showed me the LOR I rewrote it to suit me. It took me two weeks to write the default judgment. This is my life and I refuse to yoke myself to any man who I have not tested. This Boris May be right or maybe he is wrong but I was there in the Coresourse days meeting in Raleigh about ten years back exploring Usufruct. As for my house we will not abide in another mans claim. I find the church and state in total apostasy and I would rather be John the Baptist than Caiphas.

In the end one must stand in front of the mirror and answer "what is it I want"? Until then Alice still chases that busybody bunny.

Michael Joseph
I can relate to that.

John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah. Elijah was transfigured. We find a mythology that Moses was transfigured in the Christian religion but there it is; Moses died like other men and "to this day" his body can be found on Mount Pisgah. Who was it transfigured?


But which Enoch? There are two. Maybe both? Both Sons (of God, of Cain) were transfigured and so are up for a persistent channeling? That gets pretty interesting very fast.

Yehoshuah H'Natzrith V'MOLECH H'Hadiim - H'Mashiach (Jesus CHRIST) was transfigured too, according to The Book of Acts. I find it peculiar the revulsion Christians have for channeling when their own favorite John the Baptist was coveted by Antipas TETRARCH (not KING)! [I get the feeling however that Archelaus KING, exiled in 6 AD for whom John was True Prophet in Israel - (with the Spirit of Elijah) was already executed; Antipas hoped to turn John into his personal pet Prophet. Too late though - John had already Crowned BRANCH (David's Coronation NAME attached) - the new King of Israel!]

When you get the Key - this all works together so very well for good.

In summary, those transfigured are open and accessible throughout time - ever living. Get it? Jesus of Nazareth is Jesus BRANCH! Jesus, Son of David - KING of Israel. Natzar is BRANCH.