Quote Originally Posted by Goldi View Post
What is the remedy if the IRS does not honor a lawful money 1040 and instead penalizes you with a $5,000 civil penalty?
Prove your innocence - a presumption exists. They think you are Grantee/Trustee with obligations you must set the record straight. Most people just cower in their fear. This is a known response - fear stagnates a man/woman. If the presumption is not defeated the assumption stands. How do I know these things - well dear reader I have myself been down this path.

Therefore do you know what you are doing - or are you just following a leader. Is it your process or are you just following the process of another? It is just a computer recognizing something that looks like what is thought to be frivolous. Again, I have had many conversations with ignorant clerks - but there is no reason to yell or even complain. My paperwork does my talking. I am holding my own court.

A demand for Lawful Money is a CLAIM in which relief may be granted IF someone wants to push this to the next level - then fine - I will issue my counter claim and prosecute upon my counter claim. BUT first I will allow for the matter to be settled in private as the Scriptures require.

The challenge is where most folks wilt like a hot house lily. A $5k fee, in my opinion, nothing more than a proposal to charge the estate. If no response to rebut presumptuous facts in error, then the assumption stands.

Let me say that David had to go down into that valley to face Goliath. All the other men of war who thought themselves to be somewhat were found to be full of hot air. A bunch of big talkers but when the "rubber hit the road" they wilt. You must face you. This is a spiritual battle - you vs. you. When this came to my door - I actually prayed that it would - I had to check my emotion. I asked for it so that I might be refined and the dross in me might be removed from me. Notice again the "men of war" should be used to conflict and yet when Goliath shows up they quake. Has the IRS or the UN become Goliath?

A friendly letter or five might be needed. Perhaps a couple of friendly conversations. Nevertheless the clerks are ignorant and so I treat them like they are 95 year old granny with care and respect. They tried to penalize me with 10k against the estate. I hope this gives you hope.
