Quote Originally Posted by martin earl View Post
I looked into these, but instead, I got the united States passport. I did, however, read the instructions with the application.

The instructions and notices with the APP spell out if something on the app did not apply to me, to line them out and supply a written notice why.

So, I struck out many things on the app, including anything about "US Citizen", put "reported" on the Date of Birth and all that.

Also, with the Notices, I "Refused for Cause" several things (the parts about using the information for law enforcement, IRS, collections, etc etc. On the "no refund" part and NOTICED them the fees were being paid with redeemed lawful money and I would get a full refund should they refuse to supply a passport. I also gave a non-domestic address on the app with no zip code. And a separate C/O address for return mailing.

All "0"s where is asked for SSN.

I made copies of the application, the notices and returned the ones with my R4C with the app. I wrote a letter telling them I had no first hand information about the reported dates, places and other incidentals on the app and would not swear or affirm to any of them being true or factual.

All without prejudice, signed in true name.

I did this after reading another passport and seeing that nowhere did it say anything about a "US Citizen" (only citizen/national of the United States) and that the passport had an admonition from the Secretary of state to provide the bearer with "lawful protection and aid and not to delay", which I thought was okay with me.

I clearly singed their new passport "NOT FOR ID" "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED" "WITHOUT PREJUDICE" By: True Name.

I have Used it to travel out of the Nation without issue. One private security guy at an airport stated my added verbiage above my autograph "invalidated" the passport.

I simply responded "Hmmmm." with a puzzled look on my face. He handed it back to me and I got on the airplane, no other agents said a word about it.

A postal clerk asked me for ID to cash a postal money order. I told her I had a passport, she then asked for a Drivers License. I told her I was not driving and did not have one. I handed her the passport, she asked what the "Not for ID" meant, I told her "because I did not know where or when I was born." she said "Okay" and then cashed out the postal money order I had given her.

I do not have a scanner, or I would scan the app with my amendments to it.

David, have you traveled outside of the "country" with your world passport?
Very interesting, thank you martin earl.
I'm wondering, how did you handle the R4Cs?
Did you file copies into your USDC case file?