
Assuming you are as new to studying this as your posting here on StSC, I really admire your retention and collection of related materials. Good mind there! You have spotted some of the most important cruxes of the matter. - Selected critical details among an elaborate mosaic.

I think MJ spots it also;

Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
Ronald Ernest to me seems like a Magician for the FRS - look over here. Consider that the "Cestui Que Trust" in the Public Arena is the Bankers. I mean really, am I to believe that the members of Congress are sooooooo stupid that they themselves do not know what money is? Especially IF and I do mean IF the FRS is supposed to be Agent for Trustee. How absurd.

Why would Ronald Ernest be asking such a question of his Agent? If Congress truly is with the Power of Direction and/or Trustee, then Congress decides what is money and, as such, why again the "nasty" question regarding gold.

Perhaps it's just a show for the masses - good versus evil - or so it seems.

Notice what Ronald Ernest did not ask. In terms of Probate - why is the Public Arena - Mort? I mean Bernacke went straight to it like a tick on a hound dog, ASSET in TAIL risk.

And he [Bernacke] is right - In the Public - gold is just a rock. But in Private International Law - he [Bernacke] knows differently. I specifically write to the Public/Private face of State [Trust].

If Bernacke attempts CONVERSION, in equity, he must first prove his CLAIM.
I believe the word you should have used is CORRESPONDENCE, not CONVERSATION.

He was BRACKETED [captured under his oath/curse] and I agree that Ronald Ernest could have taken much, much more advantage about exposing truth. You make me wonder if I have also been swept up in a wonderful comedy act by a bankster puppet in the Senate too!


You actually said something against Ron Paul?

I am letting that sink in...

With at least three bills to abolish the Fed, none of which survived his uttering it, maybe I am starting to see the sense of it all.

Such an honest face and sincere smile though, I am still pursuaded he is unaware of the strings manipulating him, or that there is a puppeteer above for the Bank and Fund laughing away at how much mileage they get from an obstetrician gone political.

I like to take a nap after such a thought.


David Merrill.