- Lawful Money and the Bank
- World's Biggest Bond Fund Dumps ALL US debt
- a little history of shock testing in Canada
- Where to stamp a FRN
- NC Legislator says the state needs its own currency
- "Liberty Dollar" Creator Convicted
- Exactly what does the IRS agent think?
- What exactly makes Lawful Money untaxable ?
- H.R. 1098: Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011
- The US Government has (nearly) Defaulted on the National Debt!
- Presentment handled without cash, check, money order or credit card,
- Pieces of Eight
- Should we be stamping every presentment with "Demand is made for Lawful Money?"
- Look what "Investopedia" prublishes about "Lawful money"...
- "Effect Of Failure To Redeem Upon Demand"
- Lawful Money ...??
- Quatlosers have no answer for Lawful Money
- My perspective on money in general ....
- On The Subject Of Private Credit
- Debit Cards are not Credit
- Fun with Lawful Money
- Gold, Silver Becoming Legal Currency in More States
- Playing their Registry - Public Office Money Certificates.
- Explaining the US Debt Crisis — To My Teenagers
- Citizen Sues Atlanta Fed
- US Default - then and now
- File Criminal Complaint against Federal Reserve
- RV = Revaluation of the dinar
- Exchange Stabilization Fund
- Credit On A Gold Basis (Pacific Review pp 127 May 1920)
- Lawful Money Triggers HJR-192?
- I redeemed $1000 in Lawful Money today!
- Federal Reserve notes are obligations of the Reserve Banks.
- There is No United States, only Law Merchant
- Excalibur Letter
- Redeemed Lawful Money
- Too Big To Comprehend?
- Currently being denied my deposit with demand to redeem lawful money
- United States filed bankruptcy under what chapter?
- A regular deposit of lawful money.
- suggestions and insight by senior members on the W-4 form
- US vs Thomas - These bills (FRN's) are not "money"...
- IRS forms a Lien against the American Taxpayer for $14.3T
- Filing Question
- Doorbell - Pun on American Debt
- No more alterations of Signature Card?
- Direct depost coming my way in January...2 credit unions decline to open accounts
- Serving the Federal Reserve System
- Old Book shows how Constitutional money system worked
- Will China save us from "The Lost Decade"?
- Verbiage clarification on the back of checks
- Electronic Signature Legislation
- Your health plan ID represents a financial account number
- Is there signs on the currency?
- I've solved the Lawful Money Riddle
- Lawful money per US Code
- COINS - the other lawful money
- "Redeeming" Credit
- Marge knows better!
- Exposure to the Public!
- Federal Reserve Defines Lawful Money
- Fresh out of BofA - signature card woes
- New Bank Stamps on Backside of Paychecks
- Redemption by Hand
- PCGS & Redeeming Lawful Money
- Lawful money
- Has anyone tried redeeming FRNs for Treasury notes or bonds from a bank?
- Company beats IRS penalties with Lawful Money
- A Fine Kettle of Fish
- Reverberation of the Echo Chambers
- despite what this dollar says, you can't get silver for it from the government.
- Lockean Liberty
- Verified Statement of Right and Interest
- Basis in Law
- Lawful Money Exemption
- 55 Water street Trillions in paper money damaged by SANDY??
- Lawful money demand is "proof of life?"
- 12 usc 415
- Disclaimers
- Endorsement Questions
- Respectfully Disagree with David
- Lawful Money Interview
- Bank Added Their Own Stamping
- Made of platinum and worth $1 TRILLION each.
- Redeeming Lawful Money on Daily Paul
- Resistance and Refusal by Banks
- Consiquences of general deposit of redeemed lawful money
- History of paper currency Part 1 of 2
- Macro-economic Lawful Money
- 100 years of the Federal Reserve and IRS
- Tax Returns
- Lawful Money in Indiana
- Hundredth Monkey - USA Vacates Prosecution!
- Very interesting development regarding online payment from lawful money account
- 1914 Case validates non-endorsement
- GOLD CERTIFITCATES siezed in 1933-34 to be re-released to the public!!
- Chase Quick Pay
- Bill before az senate committee called hedge against hyperinflation
- New $100 Bill
- Lawful Money and Ownership
- 1040 help
- OPPT - Public Trust Forecloses on Major Corporations
- What you think, folks?
- Paying With A Hundred Dollar Bill? Prepare To Fill Out A Form
- Lawful money claim form????
- MMDA, nonreservable account
- Supporting Schedule for the 1040 Form
- Pay to the order of party x... Pay to bearer
- Diminished Money Counterclaim
- Hypothetical $300 million + Powerball lottery redemption
- Arizona
- Book on Avoiding Income Tax Reveals...
- Elegant Notice and Demand
- waxing eloquent - Michael Joseph quoted
- Wonderful New Incentive to Redeem Lawful Money!
- Response from the Secretary
- Make Your Demand on a Customized Check
- Happy Gold Confiscation Day
- Abolish the Fed
- What about a mortgage
- Interstellar Kredits
- Noticed something when I ran out of business checks...
- Got a letter back from the FED today...
- The Broader Scope of Redemption
- The Forgotten Role of the Constitution in Monetary Law
- Direct deposit then debit purchase? Getting lawful?
- Using USC vs. Public Law
- Legal Tender = Lawful Money = FRN
- Reduce the National Debt
- Where to start?
- Updating Bank Signature Card
- Redemption & Debtor's discharge
- 11 USC § 109 - Who may be a debtor (Redemption & Debtor's discharge #2)
- CBS evening news Colorado Springs (not just) gun control
- Notice and Demand to the Fed
- We cannot properly CREDIT the earnings for the work performed
- "Ultimately, what matters is:
- Own Your Car
- Just A Review
- Federal Reserve Banks Are Clearinghouses
- Observations of canadian banknotes
- Redeeming lawful money at a Canadian bank
- Where to start?
- Lawful Money, Federal Income Taxes and Social Security - Medicare Taxes
- lawful money and CRA
- 100 Years of the FED Act a.k.a "Aldrich Plan", "Aldrich-Vreeland Act"
- ATM card DEBIT vs CREDIT option
- Lawful Money Demands - Getting Started
- Lawful Money - Is there more than $300 Million?
- New Promissory note
- Louis T. MsFadden - a true hero
- Order fee schedule
- Taxpayer Advocate 2013 Annual Report to Congress
- Who is off the taxpaying hook?
- Federal Reserve Note, Rediscounting
- US Notes are redeemable
- Private Credit vs. Lawful Money
- Clear up a few things for me
- Resistance and Refusal by the Banks Part 2
- Oregon Constitution Article XI Sec. 1
- Indorsed Bill Remedy
- 1954 Internal Revenue Code is the Foundation?
- Fomc
- Usufruct Surrender Remedy
- Boris
- Redeem From Public To Private Venue
- How to Slay the corporate Dragon
- Acceptance For Value - What it is
- The Currency Question
- A “license” as you must know, is permission to engage in an act.
- how to convert paypal into lawful money?
- services for cash only, how to convert FRNs to Lawful money?
- Remedies when Lawful Money demand is ignored, property rights violated?
- Not too bad for a year’s work of a legitimate usage fee.
- Endorsement Guaranteed
- Borrower is the Bank
- money order demand.
- Only if the Miami Dade police department & the people really knew the truth.
- Open Letter to the American Sheeple
- The BILL is NOT a BILL
- Robert W. Wood THE TAX LAWYER
- Foreclosure Manual - Wells Fargo
- Buy Top Quality Novelty Passport,Id card,Visa,Stamp,SSC
- Purchase High Quality Real Novelty Passport,Id cards,Driver license,Visa,Diploma
- 12USC411 does not exist.
- Currency Wars: Why The United States Cannot Return To A Gold Standard
- Checkbook money stolen Nov 16?
- People are as (if) State Banks!
- Image if it was about lawful money.
- The word game - Legal Tender v Lawful Money
- Notice and Demand on the Fed Bank
- Treasury Letter from 1984
- Just how much does it cost to make a penny?
- Jaguar Inflation – A Layman’s Explanation of Government Intervention
- UBUNTU Model for Prosperity
- And the Fed itself is pushing back.
- The Blessing Letter (1967) - Germany, U.S. Dollars and Convertibility to Gold
- Private Credit enables Economic Terrorism
- From "The Science of Money"
- Banks and Pot (Colorado Legalization)
- We're here to help you?
- "Lawful Money" definition? attn:David
- For all you small business owner with 50 of less employees.
- Strawberry was indicted in 1994
- Robert Maynard on Legal tender
- Blockchain
- Remedy - lawful money solution
- The Flaw In Bitchain (& Mt. Gox)
- U.S. Note born Feb 25th 1862
- Crown gold alloys
- Sarbanes-Oxley Reaffirms Securities Exchange Act of 1934
- An Act to Transfer the State Highway Patrol (1933)...
- New World Coin
- UFWC Coin Becomes First Currency In Space
- Your lawful money is inside the Treasury Department.
- David Schied interview of Doreen Hendrickson
- Paid In Lawful Money
- Who wrote the ‘IRS code’?
- I received a 3176C 'frivolous letter' for 2013 1040x Amended return with LM demand
- 48 Stat 112
- United States v. $107,702.66 North Carolina Civil Forfeiture
- What Is a Silver Certificate Dollar Worth?
- The Fed side and the Treasury side of an FRN
- David Merrill and his view of the national debt.
- legal name
- Short Term Investing - Invested $20000 Return $80000 in 24 hours
- What is the Lawful Value of Lawful Money?
- The Four U.S. Dollars, or, The U.S. Dollar’s Relationship to Gold
- The End of Money: Counterfeiters, Preachers, Techies Dreamers & the Coming Cashless S
- The Texas Bullion Depository
- US Gold Reserves Bottom Out As Europe's Banks Seek Financial Independence
- Had Bretton Woods remained intact, these events would not have happened...........
- Whats the Canadian equivalent?
- Lawful Money Question
- Fed Reserve Act Sec 18.
- Open Letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Lew from Anna von Reitz
- Bitcoin: What You're Not Being Told
- Bitcoin and the New World Order
- Bitcoin Universe Explained (Illustration)
- FIFA 16 has been removed display business team
- 'Bitcoin Founder's' Australia Home Raided by Sydney Police (Alleged Over Taxes)
- McCulloch v Maryland
- Thorny Problems Remain
- Notice to the secretary of the Treasury and Frivolous filing penalties
- Stamping the Front of Government Checks
- Front Side Non-Endorsement on Bills Effective
- Reflections on Macroeconomics - Then and Now
- The Story of Money
- Use Lawful Money Stamp for Cash Refunds too.