View Full Version : Public Money v. Private Credit video

David Merrill
03-03-11, 10:17 PM
This is my first video (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImYmZlMTU5ZGQtYTIyZi00NjZjLWIyM zctOWFkZjhhZDM1MGEy&hl=en) about the Fed. I should apologize though, for the snorefest computer voice. I was waiting for a suitor at a local coffee shop and when he arrived I was playing the voice as I read the article on my phone. He saw that and wanted me to make it available to all the suitors so in a few hours I put the video together instead.

When you get to the article you might put up the text (http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/convincing.html) in a separate window.

One thing that might be important if you really want to take that original article as factual is to remember that it was written in 1984 which was a major transformative year for banking in America. In a nutshell Congress changed United States Notes to United States currency Notes - altered the name a little - and pretended that they were completely different things, in order to reenact Title 31 into positive law. More about that when Shoonra joins us I am sure!


David Merrill.

Frederick Burrell
03-04-11, 06:30 PM
Hi David Great article on the banking system and its many entrapments

David Merrill
03-05-11, 12:04 AM
Thank you!!

03-05-11, 12:57 AM
Wait... David wrote that 1984 Freedom League article?

David Merrill
03-05-11, 06:02 AM
Oops! I meant only to take credit for putting the article to video.

Frederick Burrell
03-05-11, 07:25 PM
Oops! I meant only to take credit for putting the article to video.

Yes and that is what I was thanking you for. Your hard work is much appreciated. Frederick Burrell

08-12-11, 03:39 PM
very revealing video and actually sheds alot of light on the whole private vs public law argument that is at the center of this whole scam.

David Merrill
08-12-11, 10:09 PM
I appreciate your comments!!

03-17-13, 07:19 AM
This is my first video (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImYmZlMTU5ZGQtYTIyZi00NjZjLWIyM zctOWFkZjhhZDM1MGEy&hl=en) about the Fed. I should apologize though, for the snorefest computer voice. I was waiting for a suitor at a local coffee shop and when he arrived I was playing the voice as I read the article on my phone. He saw that and wanted me to make it available to all the suitors so in a few hours I put the video together instead.

When you get to the article you might put up the text (http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/convincing.html) in a separate window.

One thing that might be important if you really want to take that original article as factual is to remember that it was written in 1984 which was a major transformative year for banking in America. In a nutshell Congress changed United States Notes to United States currency Notes - altered the name a little - and pretended that they were completely different things, in order to reenact Title 31 into positive law. More about that when Shoonra joins us I am sure!


David Merrill.

So this is where the education starts! I must tell you it is not apparent where one must start their education process. Who is helping you on this, if I might ask?

Thank you,

12-19-18, 11:36 PM
Looks like they moved things around. The 1984 Freedom League article is now found here:


David Merrill
12-21-18, 03:57 AM
It has been a long while. This article started me thinking beyond the nature of coin in the article.

Great evolution since 2013.