View Full Version : cabal v. karma
07-02-11, 10:21 PM
I have traveled a great deal on the internet, and reached the same conclusion as others, that a banking cabal has controlled large swaths of this globe for decades. The cabal has been described variously as banksters, elite, cartel, illuminati, IMF, NWO, TPTB/W (The Powers That Be (or Were)), and so on. If true, you shouldn't feel too bad about it, I have reason to believe forces are at work against them, an epic battle raging mostly unseen, unless perhaps you follow the financial news. And furthermore, I sense the good guys (angels, lightworkers, White Hats, We The People) have the upper hand. The end of fiat money is near.
As many of us have escaped their control, and lacking any other thread to place items of a conspiratorial nature I've created this one.
conspiracy, n. (14c) An agreement by two or more persons to commit an unlawful act, coupled with an intent to achieve the agreement's objective, and (in most states) action or conduct that furthers the agreement; a combination for an unlawful purpose. 18 USCA § 371.
~ BLACK's LAW 9th Edition
or if you prefer - two guys getting together to rob a 7-11.
David Merrill
07-02-11, 11:21 PM
I have traveled a great deal on the internet, and reached the same conclusion as others, that a banking cabal has controlled large swaths of this globe for decades. The cabal has been described variously as banksters, elite, cartel, illuminati, IMF, NWO, TPTB/W (The Powers That Be (or Were)), and so on. If true, you shouldn't feel too bad about it, I have reason to believe forces are at work against them, an epic battle raging mostly unseen, unless perhaps you follow the financial news. And furthermore, I sense the good guys (angels, lightworkers, White Hats, We The People) have the upper hand. The end of fiat money is near.
As many of us have escaped their control, and lacking any other thread to place items of a conspiratorial nature I've created this one.
conspiracy, n. (14c) An agreement by two or more persons to commit an unlawful act, coupled with an intent to achieve the agreement's objective, and (in most states) action or conduct that furthers the agreement; a combination for an unlawful purpose. 18 USCA § 371.
~ BLACK's LAW 9th Edition
or if you prefer - two guys getting together to rob a 7-11.
Get a look at this BoE ( that came to judgment (30 Days) on September 11, 2001. The original was served ( on the Chairman of Wall Street NYSE, and as you recall, it was shut down for three days.
07-03-11, 09:22 PM
Interesting. Yes, 9/11 is 30 days from August 13th. I don't know much about Bills of Exchange, not enough to know if the two are related.
Speaking of Ponzi schemes:
The US government (specifically the ESF) is running a Ponzi scheme, and Ponzi schemes require two levels of deceptions: one aimed those who aren' t aware anything is wrong and one aimed those who know there is fraud.
The Madoff Ponzi scheme illustrates this. ..
Eric may take issue with those named culprits, but there's plenty of evidence showing fraud within government (hello, regulators?)
07-06-11, 01:02 AM
Anyone can put up a blog and say anything they want; nevertheless, I find these reports intriguing. And notice the message and questions put to certain of our leaders (oppressors?).
July 5, 2011 – White Hats Report #22 (
07-22-11, 11:46 PM
Progress Update: Murdoch News; Patriots send letter to US Treasury, Senate, House and Obama to save America; The Tropos Files.
In White Hats Report #22, we spoke to the issues of a Bilderberg member interfering in the media exposure of the Bush and Ackerman stories in Germany and America. We told you the information was highly explosive and we also told you to “Expect much more on this”.
When White Hat Report #22 came out the world was on the verge of tipping to one side or the other … the world was going to have to start to change or it was going to succumb. The arrogance of the Cabal was immense and running rampant. Now with our friend Rupert taking a tumble, the world is starting to change for the better and the Cabal is in deep shock and very quiet. Do they leave Rupert in the dust to survive or do they come into the light to help him out? We are seeing the World that can only take so much. We are seeing when the pimple is ready to pop it will distort the view for a bit of time but in the end the blemish will heal. You just need the ability to open the blemish up and air it out.
08-01-11, 07:40 PM
This was Bix Weir's Friday Road Trip for 7/29/2011 now released to the public:
... In almost every instance where a true Gold Standard was tried and failed you will find the reason for Gold's failure was not that the Standard was flawed but rather that the true Gold Standard was diverted from or manipulated out of by those who had the power and desire to control the money. And each and every time the "New System" fails miserably and we return to a Gold Standard leaving non believers wailing at their misfortune of losing their life savings.
Truthfully, there is no perfect money. Gold has it's flaws...
08-02-11, 02:06 AM
This one resonated because it shares Mr. Merrill's view that the US has already defaulted.
While the current focus of the world is on the debt ceiling and possible default of the United States, the Tropos affair is becoming more and more widely known both in Washington and aboard. What is clear is that Tropos has already put the United States into a technical default by serving notice of default to the Bureau of Public Debt last July 5, 2010. The Bureau never repudiated the default and it stands in default now as a matter of law.
08-02-11, 04:20 AM
I do think the end of the Keynesian experiment is upon us, that unbacked fiat currency is collapsing. Just as every fiat currency has throughout history. It's possible that a US debt downgrade could trigger that tsunami, although it's likely a lot of people have worked long and hard behind the scenes to collapse it. One proponent of such a scenario or theory is Bix Weir and this radio interview from July 31 is a good intro:
fast forward to about 1:17 where he starts
08-02-11, 02:01 PM
I would argue silver makes a better medium of exchange.
The purpose of the gold standard was to vest power and control into a select group of people.
Europe was on a de facto silver standard prior to the gold standard.
China avoided most of the ravages of the Great Depression due to being on a silver standard.
08-08-11, 02:15 AM
Well folks, if Thursday's big stock market drop didn't clue you in, Standard & Poors did Friday night. The thought of this arriving at Pottapauq the Quatloser's front door made me smile:
Funny thing about a Quatloser though, their denial of reality won't let them see the handwriting on the wall. If you're not out of stocks & fiat paper yet, you're running out of time.
And here's Poofness for AUG 7: The Great Finale (
David Merrill
08-08-11, 10:24 AM
Yes indeed. I have been having a gas there on Quatloos over PayPal's losing faith early, as demonstrated by insisting I show confidence in the Fed before they would invest any confidence in the good faith and credit of the US dollar on account with them. [They have $23.80 of mine they will not let me spend until they have my SSN and birth certificate information.]
I noticed something ( - I don't think it applies to PayPal though:
(1) The Government withdraws its consent given to anyone to assert against the Government, its agencies, or its officers, employees, or agents, a claim—
(A) on a gold clause public debt obligation or interest on the obligation;
(B) for United States coins or currency; or...
Interestingly, I was hearing about this in church a couple years back.
Guarding the Sanctuary on the Spiral.
08-16-11, 08:51 PM
Interesting find on gold clause public debt obligations & US coins/currency. "Withdraws its consent" eh? So the Govt does not agree to anyone asserting a claim against the Govt ... on a gold clause, et al (lawful money). Do we need their consent to assert a claim? Are they just admitting lawful money is outside the govt's purview?
8/16/11: Clif High and Bix Weir on where we're headed:
08-17-11, 10:37 AM
Interesting find on gold clause public debt obligations & US coins/currency. "Withdraws its consent" eh? So the Govt does not agree to anyone asserting a claim against the Govt ... on a gold clause, et al (lawful money). Do we need their consent to assert a claim? Are they just admitting lawful money is outside the govt's purview?
8/16/11: Cliff High and Bix Weir on where we're headed:
If they are claiming its outside their purview, great !!
Do it under private contract.
08-17-11, 03:22 PM
Yes! Perhaps I should restate as:
Are they just admitting lawful money is outside METRO govt's purview?
And here is The White Hats Report #28:
08-28-11, 07:03 PM
Here's last night's (8/27/11) Midnight Think Tank (MTT) conf call with T-Man who claims to be a White Hat.;1MjM4NDkw1
08-28-11, 09:21 PM
That withdrawal of consent ought only be applicable to its own courts. Typically a 'sovereign' had to consent to being sued in its own courts. Doesn't stop you from suing them in some other court.
09-17-11, 05:54 PM
Here is David Wilcock interviewing Benjamin Fulford on 9/14/11 - listen or read the transcript:
09-25-11, 11:25 PM
A new White Hats Report is out:
.. In reality, we have been working with world leaders, numerous security agencies and the legitimate or clean guys in the banking industry to bring the Global Settlement to a conclusion. We have certainly seen the results of the Dark Cabal's work for nearly fifty plus years, the depth of the tentacles’ of the Bush Clan in all aspects of the banking industry. What is more interesting is the picture that is developing around the secret organizations that support the new version of the World War II German Reich. Seems like some of the old guard are still hanging around in very clandestine, quiet places and are at the helm of the banking Cabal including the Bush’s.
This is an amazing world we are living in. Every American and every person in the free world should be stepping up to the plate and questioning every aspect of our representatives and their intentions. We support the total removal of incumbents from our leadership and a process for the thorough vetting of candidates on a state by state basis prior to their ability to hold office on a Federal basis. We no longer can have the extremely poor leadership that has been commonplace for these many past decades.
America is the shining star of freedom in the world and we can no longer afford to elect the types of people that will be intimidated by or want to only cooperate for profit with the secret under body of the world. We need people that will put their lives on the line to root out the individuals and groups that have divisive plans to control the world through manipulation of the political process, the financial markets and the main stream media. It is up to the American public, our clean world leaders and the people of the world to literally force the tough questions and push the bastards out of office. It is up to the common folks to wake up and spread the word to their neighbors to show what 308 million Americans can do. We can report all day long, but if YOU won’t act or even question then it is all for naught and you will continue to suffer for your lack of action. We hope that YOU are not waiting for us to do all of the work. We do the heavy lifting, however many hands (minds and voices) will complete the task and improve the world we live in.
10-05-11, 09:33 PM
Received the following in email today. Is everyone here ready? While I do use a (lawful money) bank account I generally keep less than 20 bucks in it, adding $ just before I need to pay something.
Is Morgan Stanley The New Lehman Brothers?
Banks collapse fast. It's the nature of the beast. Once the flood gates are opened everybody and their mother panics to get their money out of a bad bank and into a good one (if there are any). It took a matter of days from the first Lehman Bros. rumors to the total destruction of the entire company. So the latest rumors hitting the wire are that Morgan Stanley is on the ropes with their exposure to European banks. Here's an article that I'm sure MS wishes did not hit the mainstream media:
Morgan Tries to Quell Rumors About It's Holdings
Hopefully, all you precious metal holders remember one of the first revelations of silver and gold bankster manipulations when MS was busted for selling metal they did not have in storage but charged their clients for.
If anyone still has money in gold/silver pooled accounts or certificates you can only blame yourself when you find out that there is no metal left when mass redemptions start. (Please don't send me emails claiming that Perth Mint metal certs are backed by the Western Australian gov't because they are just as broke as every other government. And the Kitco pooled accounts...PLEASE!).
If you don't have metal in your own hand YOU DON'T OWN METAL!!!!
Now is not the time to get cute with your investment. Keep it safe and secure in your own possession because the likelihood of a 3rd party surviving the coming crash is "LESS THAN ZERO"!
Nobody knows the exact timing of the coming chaos but if you knew we were a matter of DAYS before all hell breaks loose would you do anything different?
Read the checklist again and watch for "Scenario #3 to unfold...
May the Road you choose be the Right Road
Bix Weir
10-06-11, 05:52 PM
Bix: Hello God.
God: Hello Bix. How are you dealing?
Bix: I'm dealing OK. It's kinda hard to wrap my hands around the aftermath of the coming chaos but I guess I shouldn't sweat it too much.
God: You are correct. Life is about living in the moment for the most part. This particular moment in time is very, very special as BIG changes means BIG opportunities to experience life at it's wildest, learn valuable lessons and understand or even prioritize those things that are most important to you.
Bix: Are you suggesting that I may be putting too much priority in Gold and Silver?
God: Not at all. Gold and Silver have opened many important doors in your evolution. They have awakened in you a much larger understanding of your world, how the past has evolved and solidified, how you want your future to be constructed.
Bix: You are right. One of the HUGE lessons I've learned is that HONESTY is a very important trait of a great society. Without honesty human beings can never truly be free.
God: Very good. And that can be applied to the current situation with your monetary system. The discoveries on your "Road to Roota", as you like to call it, are very profound.
Bix: How do you mean?
God: You have discovered the secret behind the global monetary conspiracy. That decades ago a group of good and honest people decided to secretly rig the free markets in order to prolong the un-backed fiat monetary system and destroy the strong hold of the global banking powers.
Bix: Yes, but what good did it do? We are in total and complete chaos at the moment with everything in the financial world falling apart. That "global banking power" will surely try and seize the last of our freedoms when the crash hits. How could the original Road to Roota players like Alan Greenspan, Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan and Paul Volcker have gotten it so wrong?
God: They weren't the only ones but remember what you said before... "HONESTY is a very important trait of a great society". No matter if their original intentions were altruistic in nature, a monetary system that can only thrive in the shadows and must be sustained by DISHONESTY cannot liberate a nation from the clutches of their corrupt rulers. Lies build upon lies until an evil hydra of deception is controlled by those who thrive in that environment.
Bix: So they made a mistake in implementing the "On the Road to the Golden Age" economic model from the 1960's? Basically, that great economic model that Greenspan adopted so thoroughly...was wrong.
God: You will find that a great many theories and models created in the Universities and think-tanks that look so promising on paper have adverse results when they are implemented in the "real world".
Bix: I know. It's like the Behavioral Finance guys that President Obama hired to run his economic team. Larry Summers and Austan Goolsbee taught courses and wrote papers on the theory that if you PORTRAY to the world that the economy is strong then people will go out and spend thus making it strong. I keep thinking of that old saying "If you build it...they will come."
God: But nothing was built. Lies and deception make very weak structural supports for a free and open society. The webs of lies are so pervasive in your economic and monetary world now there is only one way out.
Bix: To crash it all. We should orchestrate a crash taking down the entire monetary system and declare all debt forgiven...right?
God: No. You can not crash the system because no one person or group has enough power to speak for all the vested parties...which is EVERYONE on earth. The system will crash itself and leave nothing in it's wake.
Bix: How's that possible?
God: A better question is "How is that NOT possible?". Your electronic and paper monetary system is a GARGANTUAN MONSTER of both real and fake monetary instruments. These monetary instruments are valued in the QUINTILLIONS and are highly leveraged on FAITH.
Bix: Faith? What do you mean by faith?
God: Faith that you can get cash out of your bank. Faith that when you buy a stock your brokerage company actually purchases the shares on your behalf. Faith that countries and nations around the world TELL THE TRUTH about how much money they are creating. Faith in that the system you have grown up believing in is a reality and not a total and complete fraud.
Bix: You mean all that is not true? I'd never thought about it quite that way. mean GOVERNMENTS are not reporting their true monetary positions to the rest of the world?
God: Most people agree that government "reporting" is fabricated from unemployment numbers to inflation numbers to telling you "Green Shoots" are springing up in our economy. Why is it such a stretch for you to believe that the reported monetary creation figures are false as well.
Bix: You mean things like the US debt ceiling debate and the M1, M2, M?? all a smoke and mirrors show?
God: What's to stop them from creating UNLIMITED electronic forms of money and not tell anyone? They already told you that they would do ANYTHING to save the economy. Where is the line in the sand?
Bix: This is unbelievable! I'd heard stories about random diplomats in the shadows trying to cash in multi-billion dollar US bonds and certificates but I guess I never thought it through.
God: So think it through here and now.
Bix: Ok. If I were trying to control the world the most important tool I'd need was control over money. In a way, money represents a place to store a person's past productive earnings in a society and a way to spend those productive earnings in the future. If you control the money you can change the value of an entire societies productive earnings. With increases in the supply of money you can, in effect, decrease the value of a person's past production. The production did not change but the future value of that production has. Money has that kind of power.
God: Good. That's why a stable monetary system is so important in a free and honest society. It's all about what is fair. The value of a days work should not be diminished by those in the shadows who control the money. Money must be sound for a society to flourish. Now relate that to your monetary system today.
Bix: What monetary system? We have bankers and governments creating money at will. It's so EASY now. We don't even need paper and ink. They can create trillions of dollars out of thin air with the stroke of a computer keyboard. The difference between $1B and $1T is a letter in the alphabet! Entered into a computer the difference is three 0's!
God: Yes. And what are the controls in your system today?
Bix: There are none. It should be inflation but the numbers released by the government are a complete lie. Nobody believes them anymore. Usually the prices of gold and silver would skyrocket but those are being controlled by computer programs. Then I guess it would be the holders of US debt would start dumping but the Federal Reserve owns the most US debt and they are the ones creating the money. I guess China could sell off their US debt but they like their weak currency because it creates jobs in China. They also like the control it gives them over the US. Gee, I really don't know if there is anything that controls the reigns of monetary debasement in an un-backed system.
God: Good. So there are no controls on the amount of money that can be created in your current monetary system. How much money do you think is being created behind the scenes since there are no controls?
Bix: I guess it is limitless! We already established that governments lie in their reporting so why do we believe they are telling the truth about how much money is being created?
God: No controls + no truthful reporting + massive market manipulation = Limitless money creation
Bix: Wow. So how does it all end?
God: The same way it has always ended...Loss of FAITH.
Bix: What do you mean?
God: We have talked about the importance of a monetary system in an honest and great society. As money is a transitional instrument of a person's past production it must stay sound and strong until that person is ready to spend their past productive earnings. In order for a person to dedicate their time and energy in producing something they must have FAITH that they will receive FAIR VALUE for their efforts.
Bix: So if people don't believe the money they receive for their work is of equal value then they will not work.
God: Would you?
Bix: I guess not. But I have to pay bills. I have to live and eat and provide for my family. I am too deeply invested in this monetary system for it to end.
God: None of it will matter soon. It was all an illusion and now it is time for the people of the world to wake up. It is time to end the game of un-backed fiat money and start fresh. A new beginning. One ruled by honesty, open dealings and fairness.
Bix: Sounds too good to be true...but it really does feel like the time.
God: You have decided. This is what you choose.
Bix: Ok. How about the big question? WHEN? I want a date. A deadline.
God: Ha! You are choosing the date. This is your life. Your experience that you are creating. Why don't you tell me WHEN?
Bix: Fine. I want this to start now and be done within 6 months. Wait...there's a few things I still need to do. How about in the next few weeks?
God: I sense hesitation again? This is YOUR time table. You decide.
Bix: FINE! Next week. What do you have to say about that?
10-06-11, 05:55 PM
God: I say alright! It's about time you took responsibility for yourself. Many, many others are ready as well.
Bix: Wow. I'm both excited and terrified. It will be so different. Will you be there to help us?
God: I am always there but you need no help. This was your decision. You have found your voice and the word is spreading. From the protesters on Wall Street to citizens of Greece the voice of freedom is growing. Soon it will become a very load ROAR. YOU ARE READY.
Bix: Ok then. Bring it on!
God: Well said Bix. Well said.
10-13-11, 06:43 PM
by Bix Weir
The new Bank Participation Report for September has been posted and it looks like the top 3 or less US Banks that had offside silver short positions are closing in on being under the proposed position limit law just in the nick of time!
Here's the numbers
9/6/2011 = 23,859 net short
10/6/2011 = 14,388 net short.
Basically, the top 3 or less banks were able to cover 9,471 short contracts by orchestrating the latest silver slam from $42/oz down near $28/oz. Many suspect the majority of this short position resides at JP Morgan. That may be but if this is split evenly between 3 banks they are now under 5,000 contracts each or quickly nearing the proposed position limit formula of around 4,500 contracts at the moment. The timing of this short position being congruent with the expected position limit proves beyond a doubt that the many delays in implementation of this rule were orchestrated to give the banksters time to cover.
Bravo criminals! BRAVO!
BUT WHAT NOW? The price suppression of silver must continue in order to sustain an un-backed fiat monetary system and with these 3 banks nearing their maximum threshold of short positions how will they stop the inevitable rise in silver prices? Are they going to orchestrate ANOTHER silver slam to coincide with the general market collapse? It's excellent cover if they want to and we all know they CAN using computer trading programs. Or they may even add another bank into the manipulation fold to spread out their short position further. In this scenario they will clearly be exposed by the Bank Participation Report as a big NUMBER 4 will show up on the report for US banks. Talk about a neon sign for the market to understand that these shorts are in distress!
I think it's a tossup but Bart Chilton may have given us a little hint in an email that he sent to one of my subscribers back in mid August...
From: Chilton, Bart []
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:12 PM
To: Xxxx
Subject: Hi
Like you, I remain concerned about financial markets and how they have morphed. Massive passive traders (see my speeches if you'd like more on these) and the high frequency traders (those I call cheetahs, due to their speed) have at times moved markets in ways that I think nobody anticipated. Still, some disagree that they may have an impact. That is why, since 2008, I have supported the improvisation of mandatory position limits. They are the law of the land now and I am hopeful that my colleagues will agree that we need to implement them soon. In this regard, I am hopeful that we will approve such a position limit rule within the next 6-8 weeks. That doesn't mean it will actually be implemented as you and I would like (it may not be effective for another few months). However, the passage of a position limit rule is a key step to actually having such limits implemented soon...
Wow. Did you catch it? He's saying that they may pass the position limits rule but then GIVE THE BANKSTERS ANOTHER "FEW MONTHS" TO RIG THE MARKETS!
First of all here's official announcement of the meeting to pass the final, final, final rule...again...
So how can this all play out? Here are 3 scenarios:
1) If they don't pass the rule on the 18th then we are right back to where we have been for the entire year. Continued manipulations into the foreseeable future.
2) If they pass the rule WITHOUT the few month implementation I would say "IT'S OFF TO THE RACES FOR SILVER!" The sky's the limit followed by a global meltdown of all monetary systems...the END GAME.
3) If they pass the rule WITH the few month implementation process then we would likely see JPM and friends bring silver back up to previous highs before another MAJOR SLAM before the rule is implemented.
If I were a betting man...I'd bet on scenario number 3. I think they will pass the rule and give the banksters a few months. During these few months the next financial crisis will hit allowing the banks to crash the gold and silver markets and cover even more of their short and then try to go long.
This also coincides with the introduction of the Volcker Rule which would shatter the banksters ability to keep the manipulation game going anyway. The FDIC and SEC just approved the Volcker Rule so it is READY for implementation but it will take some sort of banking crisis/fraud revelations to get it implemented. That will come shortly.
Everything else is a "crap shoot" played out in a rigged casino.
The battles continue in the trenches and although the banking cabal has managed to skirt the laws and bend the rules for decades I BELIEVE their reign is almost over.
Not yet...but ALMOST!
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir
10-14-11, 10:32 AM
Dropping silver prices are a signal to buy for possession :).
12-02-11, 08:16 PM
Yes, buy silver with both hands.
I realize this is hearsay but enjoyed it. And I do think Rip VanEricHolder is going down:
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: There Is A Very Uneasy Peace Between President Obama And The American Military. (
12-02-11, 09:04 PM
Yes, buy silver with both hands.
I realize this is hearsay but enjoyed it. And I do think Rip VanEricHolder is going down:
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: There Is A Very Uneasy Peace Between President Obama And The American Military. (
I have been told there is some similarities between FDR's new deal and Obama's proposed Obamacare. His wife seems to be holding her own in appearance of conservatism, maybe she should run for the next election.
12-06-11, 06:11 PM
Gerald Celente has experienced early what EVERYONE in the world will experience in the very near future. Your checking, savings, 401k's, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, ETF's will ALL be destroyed and you won't get a cent out. This includes 3rd party stored metal. Even the honest custodians of this metal cannot stop the inevitable destruction. When "the system" shuts down EVERYTHING will collapse. Here's Gerald's rant...
Prepare for an Economic 9/11 and Economic Martial Law
When I first discovered that this was THE PLAN of the Good Guys I was shocked but the more I understood about why it was being done I came to the conclusion that it is the ONLY way out. Without a total and complete collapse the banksters will maintain 100% control of the system. Sure the Goldman Sachs' and JP Morgans will disappear but the "dark pools" of money that linger in the background will still control us without a complete collapse.
For those who say "you've been saying this for years but it hasn't happened yet" I'd respond with... IT'S HAPPENING NOW! Just ask those 150,000 customers with frozen assets at MF Global. The truth is that the REALITY of what is happening often does not emerge until AFTER you are effected personally. When YOU are locked out of YOUR account you will finally understand the reality of what is happening NOW. Gerald learned this the hard way and YOU can act now to avoid experiencing his same fate.
On the Road to Roota 99.9% of us come out of this mess much better than when we went in. All debt is erased from the face of the earth (electronic assets as well) with the destruction of the Derivative Complex. It's all gone practically overnight. Then we start fresh.
The distribution system suggested by Roota (Alan Greenspan) in the Road to Roota Theory is to reallocate the majority of the new gold and silver money within the US according to what you have paid into the Social Security system. It's the most fair reallocation system and we will all feel very rich. No debt and money to spend. Fully funded government (albeit much smaller) and fully funded services like police and fire departments with schooling and healthcare services moving to the private sector. (and we all have money to pay our own way at the beginning with the reallocation of gold and silver money). It's an amazing future that is planned...if we can make it through the brutal transition.
And Greenspan was the architect of it all! Here's one of my favorite articles that I wrote about Greenspan and it is VERY important for you to understand what happened and how we got here...
Greenspan's Golden Testimony
We are in the eye of the hurricane and it's about to get much worse as we pass through the backside of the eye.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir
01-19-12, 05:33 AM
January 18, 2012 - White Hats Report #34
The White Hats and Ed Falcone have been in London all this week meeting daily with key parties interfacing with the House of Lords and UK Agencies. Multiple agendas are in play at the highest levels. The White Hats are using the U.K. arena to commence their work due to the total control that the Dark Cabal ... Bushes, Clintons, Obamas and all of their Minions ... has had in the United States, including the American Main Stream Media. It is difficult to believe the Bushes have gone undetected for 50 years with a hidden agenda that is so deep they have compromised every American virtue.
... However, we have Romney being prepared for office. A dubious man who stole Ed Falcone’s funds and pocketed a Billion for himself. We also have an illegal President with no Birth Certificate, with his hands in the pockets of Wall Street, with some very dangerous socialists and communists advisors, and America’s own fanatical version of Dr. Strangelove -- conspiring and planning to get Jeb Bush elected as the next Vice President, or even President, once the pending writs are served on Romney. It looks like Romney may also face real IRS investigation soon on his false Tax Returns. We must ask the IRS -- What about Romney’s offshore accounts with money he earned from the theft of the Falcone funds? Is your boss Geithner NOT letting you investigate the corruption?
The Agency Foundation and Obama tried desperately to get the 15 Trillion back from London but the banks won’t release it. Britain and America need to work together on this. WAKE UP CONGRESS! Those funds can be recovered in a deal with the United Kingdom! If you do not have the ability to step to the plate, The White Hats Do! Let us get the deal done.
Both the United Kingdom and America have been so badly screwed. America has simply become far too crooked for Justice to be accomplished here. America’s future and fate may well be playing out as these treasonous parties are exposed by Old Empires, whose own authorities are now availing themselves of the sordid facts. All records are being presented live and directed to Agency heads who are currently evaluating the hard-to-swallow evidence now placed before them. When you can’t get Justice at home, sometimes you have to get it another way. Again, at this very moment, all the facts, supporting evidence and brutal yet sordid truth, is being exposed naming and shaming those responsible for the deplorable and duplicitous conduct of our Leaders and Global Banker cohorts, including Ackermann of Deutsch and the full Commerzbank Traders and other connections.
It took many years to bring down Capone, and the Teflon Don. Focused dedication got them in the end. The spirit of Elliot Ness lives on. Because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. All the evidence and facts are right now under appraisal by Foreign Enforcement Agencies who, in consultation with others, will select the route and time to unleash justice and retribution. We will not compromise sensitive incriminating evidence needed in court by pre-publishing. Just know we have it, it’s all there and it’s all playing out.
We will be in touch. Remember to keep a close eye and ear on the inner sanctums of Great Britain as the exposure is delivered to that great Sovereign body.
02-27-12, 05:59 AM
So with George Sr. lurking in the background playing puppet master, Obama really has no control of the finances of America, which truly explains a lot. It would seem that if Obama did have his fingers on America’s checkbook, he would still have no control over the American economy, since Bush Sr. has total control. This is the exact reason why Obama himself, when personally requesting the $15 trillion be returned from the London bankers, was outright laughed at and summarily rejected. He came home with zip, zero … nada, which is why all of this has become so painfully obvious.
And this one has an attachment - a Fed Reserve Bank SWIFT transmission of FIVE TRILLION DOLLARS.
07-21-12, 03:11 AM
I would quote from this, but then ... I wouldn't know where to stop:
The Great Revealing: US Marshals Expose Biggest Scandal in History (
Written by David Wilcock Friday, 20 July 2012 12:12
07-24-12, 01:48 AM
found this over here:
From: Neil Keenan
To: ?Drake
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 5:27 AM
Subject: RE: as per our conversation
Good Morning my friend,
As always I want to keep things clear so no one gets confused most especially me. The case and the liens are two different issues. For the case I must return to Asia to receive the rest of the documentation, I have most recently been promised, that ties in much more than jurisdictional issues. It ties in actions.
As you know the phony Euros printed by the European Central Bank are in our possession in Indonesia . These notes are outright fraud and we have all the answers back to us from the system. They have no value but they made them as payment for the interest on the Gold from the Global Accounts. Once submitted as frauds the European Central Bank could be out of business. If not then I will go back and bring back millions of Euros and let the ECB accept them and validate them or get out of business. Then you have the end of this atrocity called the European Commission headed by some Eastern European Mummies from Hungary (Soros Boys).
Exposing the Euro is this simple.
Soon we will be auditing and validating what is real and what is not. The Indonesians have waited far too long for the long overdue promises to kick in. Asia has waited far too long. The Middle East has waited far too long. The world has waited far too long. Why? Because the Kazars/Nazis controlled US Corporation has stolen from the Collateral Accounts from Day One. Since when has a Kazar or Nazi ever kept even the simplest promise. In this case they saw the opportunity to financially control the world. Well, we are coming to close you down. Your days in the sun (you are all so white I think you hate sun) are over with. Exposure is already prevalent and in our hands but to literally take the money right out of your pockets will take just a little longer. When we shut you down then it is up to others to straighten out the wrongs.
To date we have closed up the BIS on you and frozen trading for 90 days and making it very difficult for you to do anything. The Central Banks are already in fault not default and in a few days they go into default. It is only going to get tougher and when it does you will become more desperate but guess what? There will be no corners to hide in so you will be forced to stay in the middle of the ring until this is over with. It is best you take a good long look at your situation because soon it will be too late.
Sorry Drake got carried away,
Neil Keenan
David Merrill
07-26-12, 01:30 AM
found this over here:
From: Neil Keenan
To: ?Drake
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 5:27 AM
Subject: RE: as per our conversation
Good Morning my friend,
As always I want to keep things clear so no one gets confused most especially me. The case and the liens are two different issues. For the case I must return to Asia to receive the rest of the documentation, I have most recently been promised, that ties in much more than jurisdictional issues. It ties in actions.
As you know the phony Euros printed by the European Central Bank are in our possession in Indonesia . These notes are outright fraud and we have all the answers back to us from the system. They have no value but they made them as payment for the interest on the Gold from the Global Accounts. Once submitted as frauds the European Central Bank could be out of business. If not then I will go back and bring back millions of Euros and let the ECB accept them and validate them or get out of business. Then you have the end of this atrocity called the European Commission headed by some Eastern European Mummies from Hungary (Soros Boys).
Exposing the Euro is this simple.
Soon we will be auditing and validating what is real and what is not. The Indonesians have waited far too long for the long overdue promises to kick in. Asia has waited far too long. The Middle East has waited far too long. The world has waited far too long. Why? Because the Kazars/Nazis controlled US Corporation has stolen from the Collateral Accounts from Day One. Since when has a Kazar or Nazi ever kept even the simplest promise. In this case they saw the opportunity to financially control the world. Well, we are coming to close you down. Your days in the sun (you are all so white I think you hate sun) are over with. Exposure is already prevalent and in our hands but to literally take the money right out of your pockets will take just a little longer. When we shut you down then it is up to others to straighten out the wrongs.
To date we have closed up the BIS on you and frozen trading for 90 days and making it very difficult for you to do anything. The Central Banks are already in fault not default and in a few days they go into default. It is only going to get tougher and when it does you will become more desperate but guess what? There will be no corners to hide in so you will be forced to stay in the middle of the ring until this is over with. It is best you take a good long look at your situation because soon it will be too late.
Sorry Drake got carried away,
Neil Keenan
I am supposing that we will know in mid-September. Meanwhile I say this email is obviously a hoax spoofing KEENAN.
We are scheduled to be able to read the transcript of the hearing in mid-September so I am afraid I cannot prove my hunch until then.
08-16-12, 05:10 PM
There's a new White Hats Report #47 out today:
Watergate revisited?
The beginning of the end of the Obama Presidency has begun. The only questions that remain are:
How will the charade play out before the American public and the rest of the world?
How many will the cabal sacrifice to keep their agenda alive?
Will an insider FINALLY come forward, turn Patriotic... and reveal all the secrets?
When will it all begin?
The most likely starting volley in this unfolding historic process could very well be the resignation of Vice President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.
Whether he uses a fabricated medical condition, or if they make more out of the "slaves and chains" comment he fumbled through the other day, the political machine has to come up with a very convincing reason for his exit. The White Hats believe the brain tumor story, which has come to the forefront again, would be a very good reason for the comments he has been making. Most of our counter parts in the international intel circles see the handwriting on the wall and say expect it this mid-week... and we are there... right now.
What does this mean in the big picture?
Obama is in serious trouble... on multiple fronts.
more... (
08-16-12, 10:30 PM
There's a new White Hats Report #47 out today:
Watergate revisited?
The beginning of the end of the Obama Presidency has begun.
How reliable is this source, stoneFree? Never heard of it.
08-16-12, 11:09 PM
Good question. We've been lied to for so long, and so convincingly, usually with some truth mixed in, that discerning truth these days is often difficult.
It does seem that more Americans are waking up (including those within government), that this administration is working for someone ... that is not We The People.
Here is a Radford, Virginia business owner saying No, thanks to Biden's entourage:,0,4370357.story
Here's the back story, we're told that shortly after Crumb and Get It told Biden's advance people 'no' -- the secret service walked in and told Chris McMurray ''Thanks for standing up and saying 'no' -- then they bought a whole bunch of cookies and cupcakes.
And here's Major General Paul E. Vallely and several others in OPSEC VIDEO "Dishonorable Disclosures"
06-06-13, 06:35 PM
One of the ongoing dilemmas on the Road to Roota is the exposure of the original "Good Guys". The original people that set up the plan to secretly take down the banking cabal and return us to a true Gold Standard. The people that secretly started the computer price manipulation practices of the precious metal markets back in the early 1970's that continue in full force today.
At times I do feel bad that I have pulled back the curtain but this has to be done. The TRUTH has to be told and the problems FIXED. Their grand plan from over 40 years ago has ultimately turned into a GRAND DISASTER with no smooth transition back to sound money. The rigging programs are in the hands of the banksters now and they use the cover of the original plan to help the world distort and defraud every market on Earth.
Should the "Good Guys" have waged a preemptive open war against the "Bad Guys" back in the 1960's after they took out Kennedy and took over our country? Maybe. But now they have let the global monetary destruction fall on the laps of our generation and its time to PULL THE PLUG on the entire operation.
The only way to do that is to EXPOSE THE TRUTH and that's what this interview begins to do.
Bix Weir: Story Behind the Road to Roota Silver Medallion
You can close your eyes to the information presented on the Road to Roota but you can't erase the facts. The Fed Boston comics are REAL and they do talk about overthrowing the "Big People" who run our system. They talk about the need for a Gold Standard. They reference 911 conspiracies and talk about the secret "Oil Standard" that Kissinger set up to artificially support the US Dollar. They allude to the hidden caves of gold in the United States. They talk about the redistribution of money after the system falls apart. Even the new $100 Bill that comes out in October 2013 references the new Gold Standard and the need for "We The People" to finally stand up and remove our current leaders.
Alan Greenspan, John Kemeny, Stephen Devaux, Harold Sullivan, George Goodwin Jr. all were involved in the implementation of the Greenspan plan to rig the markets via computer programs. Ronald Reagan, Ron Paul, Paul Volcker, Dianne Feinstein and Barney Frank carried it forward through the years. Ben Bernanke is in charge of the final monetary IMPLOSION as he prints money faster and deeper than any previous Fed Chairman. The end cometh fast...keep an eye out for the actions of Warren Buffett as he will be involved in the final blow.
If none of the above makes sense to you you can start your awakening process here:
The Road to Roota Theory
It is time to spread the truth so please send the interview all around the internet. People need to wake up and smell "Roota's Flowers" if we ever want to get out of this mess!
May the Road you choose be the Right Road
Bix Weir
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