Originally Posted by
Anthony Joseph
The fourth branch of government, the grand jury, is in place for good reason; to check the actions of the other branches and determine whether or not claims brought against people have merit - at law. Legalese, of any kind, should be barred from a true grand jury hearing.
The "courts" gain jurisdiction over the "jurors" in the selection process who then become puppets for the status quo.
Everything you do, when you step out of your own domestic authority (the four walls you call home), is illegal. So, any notice stating that there is "no legal authority" or "legal basis" in response to your lawful notice or process is absolutely true. We do not seek "legal" basis or authority - we are concerned only with what is lawful.
There must be a wrong or harm committed, injury to one's property or a breach of a true contract for there to be an unlawful act. Everything else is "legalities" and those are too numerous to know and are ever changing; therefore, I do not understand and I am not a part of the legal society that claims "legalities".
Someone must come forward and verify the claim against i; a man, for there to be a case with merit. Make an immediate good faith effort to settle the matter with whoever is prosecuting the case and form the record around said efforts. Fair warning that you will require the accuser to appear, verify the claim/debt/etc. and to cross-examine the accuser must be given to show you are acting in honor.
Any venue, or "court" can become our realm of common law; we just need to learn how to flip it, move it, hold it and keep it there.