This is in perfect accordance with the principle set down by the Messiah when confronted about taxes.
Mt 22:15-21 and notice especially that it had to do with the "
image" on the currency.
One Dollar Bill has
2 images (authorization/ownership seals) on it -
Federal Reserve (LEFT) and
The Department of the Treasury (RIGHT).
We are choosing the image on the
RIGHT when
demanding lawful money for all transactions per 12 USC 411.
The DEFAULT choice is the image on the
LEFT, and requires a
usage fee (tax) to the god of mammon (Caesar), and rightly so per
Mt 22:21.
Daniel 4:17 shows "...
That the Most High is Ruler over the realm of mankind."
Consequently, I believe that the
true AUTHORITY behind
12 USC 411 is the
Most High - not Congress, not even the Executive Branch.
Mt 4:4 says we are to live by
every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.
Mt 22:20-21 is
THE RULE that all the host in heaven and earth must abide by now.
The Eternal has always enabled us to make a
Deut 30:15,19). Today, that choice is right in front of us on every dollar bill.
Make the "
RIGHT" choice. Choose to
Demand Lawful Money for all transactions.
Put your choice on the record - by substantive evidence on normal business transactions and/or by a public recorded Declaration.
I am looking forward to your new Lessons at, David, so that many more will learn how to make this "
RIGHT" choice!
P.S. This same choice may apply to CREDIT vs DEBIT cards??? Hmmmm...... Is DEBIT card the
RIGHT choice too???
P.S. See
this folder for a PDF copy to be used as a flyer/handout.