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I have heard echo from a couple people who do not believe in Private Law, but we do it all the time, but break it as well. Someone shares with you an amicable agreement in private, now that is law, somehow in your dealing with each other you cannot not agree on a particular thing so you bring it to a third party, you could have chose one man in confidence as a mediator in private, BUT you bring it into a Public Court instead. When private matters are brought into the public it is telling the court that you are not competent enough to settle this in private so now you are here and have to deal with our rules of how this will turnout.
I always insist on handling things in the private first and I let them (the DA and court know it), before coming down to meet the appointment of summons I announce my visit and for what purpose I am there by notice through the mail, then when I arrive it is just then a simple matter of doing what I said i was going to do in asking them to settle honorably " in private " before it is brought into public where they could be exposed to public scrutiny as well as i. If you really operate as a peaceful inhabitant and have this intent, things go much more smoothly.
So none of this has to do with public court room rules or procedures, it is a private amicable
agreement settled in private for some ticket a dumb ass cop made a public matter to put it bluntly.
PRIVATE. Not general, as a private act of the legislature; not in office;
as, a private person, as well as an officer, may arrest a felon; individual,
as your private interest; not public, as a private way, a private nuisance.
- 1856 Bouviers Dictionary
I cannot show you what i had wrapped in that paper, but I can tell you about it again.
- Robin-egg blue paper, wrapped 4 fold.
- Inside what was wrapped:
1. printout from online showing the certified mail previously delivered by notice of my visit and purpose for me being there.
2. copy of presentment (ticket) that had CS language written upon it that was sent in with the notice by certified mail.
3. copy of instrument printed out from the DMV that the vehicle was registered with the state.
( nothing i wrote on it)
4. copy of Birth Certificate
- All 4 sheets were stapled together.
The CS language written on the presentment is mentioned several times in the audio files on our talkshoe group, go there to hear "why" you would put this on the presentment.
Does this help any at all? If not then I guess we are done.